Methane is a greenhouse gas that gets far less public attention than carbon dioxide. This is entirely unwarranted. Being 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping heat in the atmosphere, methane accounts for about one-sixth of all anthropogenic (i.e. human-induced) greenhouse gas emissions. Methane is also overlooked when it comes to taking concrete measures for climate protection, despite ...
Vor dem kommenden UN-Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen blickt die Welt vor allem auf die USA. Sie sind neben China mit Abstand der größte Emittent von Treibhausgasen. Spürbare Fortschritte beim globalen Klimaschutz setzen einen erheblichen Beitrag der Amerikaner voraus. Spielraum für eine deutliche Senkung der Emissionen ist vorhanden. So ist der Energieverbrauch pro Kopf in den USA immer noch etwa doppelt ...
In this paper, we use a computable general equilibrium model (WIATEC) to study the potential impact of implementing Europe's 20-20-20 climate policy. The results show that the economic costs of implementing the policy are only moderate and within the range of recent empirical evidence. Furthermore, they also indicate that there is a possibility that the existing allocations to the Europena sectors ...
In Germany, emission allowances (European Union Allowances, EUAs) for the first trading period (2005-2007) were allocated completely free of charge. In the second trading period (2008-2012) annual volumes of 40 million EUAs will be sold (Article 19 ZuG (Zuteilungsgesetz – The German Allocation Act) 2012). After an initial phase during which EUAs have been sold by the state-owned bank KfW Bankengruppe ...