Als Antwort auf den drohenden Klimawandel wird derzeit eine Strategie des Klimaschutzes verfolgt, die die Reduktion des CO2-Ausstoßes zum Ziel hat. Dabei wird die zusätzliche Option der Anpassung an den Klimawandel weitgehend vernachlässigt. Die Erfolge des globalen Klimaschutzes sind jedoch bisher bescheiden. Ob das Kyoto-Protokoll langfristig zu einer Verlangsamung des Klimawandels beitragen kann, ...
Innerhalb der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft und der Europäischen Gemeinschaft verfolgt Deutschland anspruchsvolle Ziele zum Klimaschutz. Zur Umsetzung der nationalen Klimaschutzpolitik sind deshalb in den vergangenen Jahren unterschiedliche Instrumente eingesetzt worden, die zum Teil bereits sichtbare Erfolge gezeigt haben. Dennoch müssen die Anstrengungen zum Klimaschutz künftig verstärkt werden, ...
The German electricity market is facing two major challenges: competition and climate protection. The liberalization of the electricity sector in Europe following the directive on the single internal market is increasing competition between suppliers of electricity, while the trading in emissions certificates, which started in January 2005, aims at reducing emission of carbon dioxide. This gives a ...
Greenhouse gas emissions should be stabilized to today's level to prevent harmful climate damage.The countries that have signed the Kyoto Protocol committed themselves to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions over the period 2008 to 2012, but only to a very limited extent. The USA decided not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol for various reasons. Furthermore, fast-growing economies like China are about ...
Climate change is a long-term issue due to the long lifespan of greenhouse gases and the delayed response of the climate system. This paper investigates the long-term economic consequences of both climate change impacts and mitigation efforts by applying the multi-regional, multi-sectoral integrated assessment model WIAGEM based on GTAP-EL coupled with the reduced-form multi-gas climate model ICM. ...
Due to the size and structure of its economy, Germany is one of the largest carbon emitters in the European Union. However, Germany is facing a major renewal and restructuring process in electricity generation. Within the next two decades, up to 50% of current electricity generation capacity may retire because of end-of-plant lifetime and the nuclear phase-out pact of 1998. Substantial opportunities ...