Diskussionspapiere 1323 / 2013
Previous work has shown that state-level antitrust enforcement activity may have impacts on entry and relocation behavior by U.S. firms. Significant state-level antitrust activity may be an indicator of a perceived adverse business environment and it is found to deter establishment entry, particularly for larger firms in the retail and wholesale sectors. An obvious question is whether establishment ...
2013| Robert M. Feinberg, Thomas A. Husted, Florian Szücs
Diskussionspapiere 1321 / 2013
We quantify externalities on profitability and market shares of competing firms in oligopolistic markets through the transition from an n to an n - 1 player oligopoly after a merger. Competitors are identified via the European Commission's market investigations and our methodology allows us to distinguish the externality due to the change in market structure from the merger effect. We obtain results ...
2013| Klaus Gugler, Florian Szücs
Diskussionspapiere 1322 / 2013
We study the degree of agglomeration of acquisition activity within clusters of temporal, geographic and industrial proximity based on almost 600,000 individual transactions. The findings indicate that significant clustering occurs in time and across industries, while the results on geographic clustering are mixed. This supports the view that merger waves are mostly driven by neoclassical motives. ...
2013| Florian Szücs
Diskussionspapiere 1310 / 2013
This paper empirically evaluates the price effects of the merger of two major book retail chains in the UK: Waterstone's and Ottakar's. We employ differences-in-differences techniques and use a rich dataset containing monthly scanner data information on a sample of 200 books sold in 60 stores in 50 different local markets for a period of four years around the merger. Since retail mergers may have either ...
2013| Luca Aguzzoni, Elena Argentesi, Lorenzo Ciari, Tomaso Duso, Massimo Tognoni
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
We evaluate the economic impact of the change in European merger legislation in 2004 and propose a general framework focusing on four different policy dimensions: predictability, decision errors, reversion of anti-competitive rents and deterrence. We find that after the reform, the predictability and the accuracy of decisions have improved. Yet, the policy shift away from prohibitions, which entail ...
The Economic Journal
123 (2013), 572, S. F596-F619
| Tomaso Duso, Klaus Gugler, Florian Szücs
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
This paper estimates the impact of competition policy on total factor productivity (TFP) growth for 22 industries in 12 OECD countries over 1995-2005. We find a positive and significanteffect of competition policy as measured by newly created indexes. We provide results based on instrumental variables estimators and heterogeneous effects to support the causal nature of the established link. The effect ...
The Review of Economics and Statistics
95 (2013), 4, S. 1324-1336
| Paolo Buccirossi, Lorenzo Ciari, Tomaso Duso, Giancarlo Spagnolo, Cristiana Vitale
Diskussionspapiere 1283 / 2013
Nonparametric efficiency analysis has become a widely applied technique to support industrial benchmarking as well as a variety of incentive- based regulation policies. In practice such exercises are often plagued by incomplete knowledge about the correct specifications of inputs and outputs. Simar and Wilson (2001) and Schubert and Simar (2011) propose restriction tests to support such specification ...
2013| Anne Neumann, Maria Nieswand, Torben Schubert
Externe Monographien
The government has been and remains crucial in providing goods and services in modern-day economies. However, the manner of this provision is complex and touches upon numerous areas of economic and social policy. Government action plays an especially central role for services of general interest, as well as in the regulation of their provision by the private sector. Thus, the efficient and effective ...
Technische Universität,
XII, 147 S.
| Maria Nieswand
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
The worldwide telecommunications equipment industry has experienced an enormous number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). This article examines the innovation determinants of M&A activity and the consequences of M&A on technological potential and innovation performance. We extend the resource-based theory in elucidating external technology sourcing and provide empirical evidence on the keen reliance ...
Industrial and Corporate Change
21 (2012), 2, S. 277-314
| Tseveen Gantumur, Andreas Stephan
Externe Monographien
91 S.
| Fritz Schwarzkopp, Jochen Drescher, Martin Gornig, Jürgen Blazejczak