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Thema Regionalwirtschaft

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1139 Ergebnisse, ab 31
  • Berlin Applied Micro Seminar (BAMS)

    Structural Change, Landuse and Urban Expansion

    11.04.2022| Florian Oswald (SciencesPo Paris)
  • Publikation

    Dieses Mal ist alles anders! Coronakrise und KMU-Finanzierung - Neues Vierteljahrsheft 2/2021 erschienen

    Das Auftreten des Sars-CoV-2-Virus (inzwischen unter der Bezeichnung „Coronavirus“ bekannt) hat die globale Wirtschaft empfindlich in Unordnung gebracht. Es stellt einen geradezu lehrbuchmäßigen exogenen Schock dar, den die ökonomischen Akteure nunmehr als bis dato unbekannte Nebenbedingung in ihren individuellen Plänen berücksichtigen  sollten. Folgerichtig ...

    06.01.2022| Dorothea Schäfer
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Location, Location, Location: The Role of Objective Neighborhood Characteristics for Perceptions of Control

    Introduction: Control beliefs can protect against age-related declines in functioning. It is unclear whether neighborhood characteristics shape how much control people perceive over their life. This article studies associations of neighborhood characteristics with control beliefs of residents of a diverse metropolitan area (Berlin, Germany). Methods: We combine self-report data about perceptions of ...

    In: Gerontology 68 (2022), 2,S. 214–223 | Johanna Drewelies, Peter Eibich, Sandra Düzel, Simone Kühn, Christian Krekel, Jan Goebel, Jens Kolbe, Ilja Demuth, Ulman Lindenberger, Gert G. Wagner, Denis Gerstorf
  • SOEPpapers 1165 / 2022

    The Long-Run Effects of Immigration: Evidence across a Barrier to Refugee Settlement

    After the end of World War II in 1945, millions of refugees arrived in what in 1949 became the Federal Republic of Germany. We examine their effect on today’s productivity, wages, income, rents, education, and population density at the municipality level. Our identification strategy is based on a spatial discontinuity in refugee settlement at the border between the French and US occupation ...

    2022| Antonio Ciccone, Jan Nimczik
  • Diskussionspapiere 2019 / 2022

    Green Bonds’ Reputation Effect and Its Impact on the Financing Costs of the Real Estate Sector

    This paper explores the effect of a firm’s reputation of being a green bond issuer on its financing costs. Using a sample of 73 listed Swedish real estate companies issuing in total about 1500 bonds over the period from 2011 till 2021, difference-in-difference analyses and instrumental variable estimations are applied to identify the causal impact of frequent green vis-à-vis frequent non-green bond ...

    2022| Aleksandar Petreski, Dorothea Schäfer, Andreas Stephan
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Cost and Productivity Effects of Demographic Changes on Local Water Service

    We investigate the impact of demographic changes on local public services taking the case of water service. We apply a structural production function approach to a large panel of German water utilities between 2003 and 2014. Exploring variation of population density and the population age structure across service areas and over time, we provide evidence that demographics and their changes significantly ...

    In: Utilities Policy 79 (2022), 101435, 17 S. | Astrid Cullmann, Caroline Stiel
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Where is the Consumer Center? A Case of St. Petersburg

    In an urban economy, the distribution of people and real estate prices depends on the location of the central business district of a city. As distance from the city center increases, both prices and population density diminish, for travel costs increase in terms of time and money. As manufacturing gradually leaves the cities, the importance of consumer amenities as attractors of population to the urban ...

    In: Regional Science Policy and Practice 14 (2022), 4, S. 916-938 | Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Irina Krylova, Darya Kryutchenko
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Geodata in Labor Market Research: Trends, Potentials and Perspectives

    This article shows the potentials of georeferenced data for labor market research. We review developments in the literature and highlight areas that can benefit from exploiting georeferenced data. Moreover, we share our experiences in geocoding administrative employment data including wage and socioeconomic information of almost the entire German workforce between 2000 and 2017. To make the data easily ...

    In: Journal for Labour Market Research 56 (2022), 5, 104002, S. 4-17 | Kerstin Ostermann, Johann Eppelsheimer, Nina Gläser, Peter Haller, Martina Oertel
  • Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 3 / 2022

    The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian War on Europe’s Forest-Based Bioeconomy

    Der russisch-ukrainische Krieg verstärkt die Belastung der Wälder. Internationale Sanktionen treffen Exporte aus Russland und Weißrussland, und der Krieg beeinträchtigt die Holzwirtschaft in der Ukraine stark. Diese drei Länder machten im Jahr 2021 zusammen ein Viertel des weltweiten Holzhandels aus, und Russland war der weltweit größte Exporteur von Nadelholz. Der Krieg erhöht die Abhängigkeit der ...

    2022| Hans Lööf, Andreas Stephan
  • Diskussionspapiere 1994 / 2022

    House Price Expectations

    This study examines short-, medium-, and long-run price expectations in housing markets. We derive and test six hypothesis about the incidence, formation, and relevance of price expectations. To do so, we use data from a tailored household survey, past sale and rental offerings, satellites, and from an information RCT. As novel findings, we show that price expectations exhibit mean reversion in the ...

    2022| Niklas Gohl, Peter Haan, Claus Michelsen, Felix Weinhardt
1139 Ergebnisse, ab 31