Externe Monographien
Understanding the causes of the slowdown in aggregate productivity growth is key to maintaining the competitiveness of advanced economies and ensuring long-term economic prosperity. This paper is the first to provide evidence that investment in intangible capital, despite having a positive effect on productivity at the micro level, is a driver of the weak productivity performance at the aggregate level ...
Tilburg University,
69 S.
(TILEC Discussion Paper ; 2022-08)
| Marie Le Mouel, Alexander Schiersch
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Firms with superior productivity, labeled superstar firms, are argued to be the link between rising concentration and the fall of the aggregate labor share in the US. This analysis confirms that similar evidence is found within the European context: the market share and firm size increase, whereas the labor share decreases with productivity. One of the much discussed mechanisms behind this development ...
Journal of Applied Economics
25 (2022), 1, S. 583-603
| Caroline Stiel, Alexander Schiersch
Diskussionspapiere 2009 / 2022
We use the prolonged Greek crisis as a case study to understand how a lasting economic shock affects the innovation strategies of firms in economies with moderate innovation activities. Adopting the 3-stage CDM model, we explore the link between R&D, innovation, and productivity for different size groups of Greek manufacturing firms during the prolonged crisis. At the first stage, we find that the ...
2022| Ioannis Giotopoulos, Alexander S. Kritikos, Aggelos Tsakanikas
Diskussionspapiere 2017 / 2022
The advent of cloud computing promises to improve the way firms utilize IT solutions. Firms are expected to replace large and inflexible fixed-cost investments in IT with more targeted variable spending in cloud solutions. In addition, cloud usage is expected to increase the productivity of firms, as it allows them to quickly customize the IT they require to their specific needs. We assess these assertions ...
2022| Tomaso Duso, Alexander Schiersch
Externe Monographien
We use the prolonged Greek crisis as a case study to understand how a lasting economic shock affects the innovation strategies of firms in economies with moderate innovation activities. Adopting the 3-stage CDM model, we explore the link between R&D, innovation, and productivity for different size groups of Greek manufacturing firms during the prolonged crisis. At the first stage, we find that the ...
23 S.
(CEPA Discussion Papers ; 49)
| Ioannis Giotopoulos, Alexander S. Kritikos, Aggelos Tsakanikas
Externe Monographien
We use the prolonged Greek crisis as a case study to understand how a lasting economic shock affects the innovation strategies of firms in economies with moderate innovation activities. Adopting the 3-stage CDM model, we explore the link between R&D, innovation, and productivity for different size groups of Greek manufacturing firms during the prolonged crisis. At the first stage, we find that the ...
23 S.
(GLO Discussion Paper Series ; 1122)
| Ioannis Giotopoulos, Alexander S. Kritikos, Aggelos Tsakanikas
DIW Wochenbericht 25/26 / 2022
In der Diskussion über die staatliche Förderung des Breitbandausbaus wird immer wieder die Frage aufgeworfen, ob und in welchem Umfang Unternehmen von neuen Netzen profitieren. Empirische Analysen auf Grundlage von Unternehmensdaten und Daten zur Breitbandverfügbarkeit in Deutschland zeigen, dass ein Teil der Unternehmen im Untersuchungszeitraum (2010 bis 2015) vom Breitbandausbau profitiert hat. Vor ...
2022| Tomaso Duso, Alexander Schiersch
DIW Wochenbericht 25/26 / 2022
2022| Alexander Schiersch, Erich Wittenberg
Externe Monographien
In Germany, the productivity of professional services, a sector dominated by micro and small firms, declined by 40 percent between 1995 and 2014. This productivity decline also holds true for professional services in other European countries. Using a German firm-level dataset of 700,000 observations between 2003 and 2017, we analyze this largely uncovered phenomenon among professional services, the ...
37 S.
(CEPA Discussion Papers ; 37)
| Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Schiersch, Caroline Stiel
Externe Monographien
In Germany, the productivity of professional services, a sector dominated by micro and small firms, declined by 40 percent between 1995 and 2014. This productivity decline also holds true for professional services in other European countries. Using a German firm-level dataset of 700,000 observations between 2003 and 2017, we analyze this largely uncovered phenomenon among professional services, the ...
37 S.
(Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 14610)
| Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Schiersch, Caroline Stiel