The North and Baltic Sea Grid is one of the largest pan-European infrastructure projects raising high hopes regarding the potential of harnessing large amounts of renewable electricity, but also concerns about the implementation in largely nationally dominated regulatory regimes. The paper develops three idealtype development scenarios and quantifies the technical-economic effects: i) the Status quo ...
Over the past few years, prices and rents for flats went up in most German cities. This trend is expected to continue in 2013. Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Frankfurt am Main will still see the highest increases in property prices and rents. In these cities, housing prices are rising much faster than rents. By contrast, stagnating or even falling prices are forecast for the cities in the Ruhr area. ...
The study analyses the relationship between access to rural product markets and the extent and nature of child labour. It is built on the view that if physical markets can shape rural development through, for instance, influencing prices, household production decisions and employment, the associated activity growth could increase child labour. Using household survey data from Uganda, I find that children ...
The liberalisation of the natural gas markets and the importance of natural gas as a transition fuel to a low-carbon economy have led to the development of several large-scale equilibrium models in the last decade. These models combine long-term market equilibria and investments in infrastructure while accounting for market power by certain suppliers. They are widely used to simulate market outcomes ...
Die Konjunkturaussichten für die deutsche Bauwirtschaft hellen sich nach einer Stagnation im Jahr 2012 für das kommende Jahr wieder auf. Das DIW Berlin erwartet ein nominales Wachstum des Bauvolumens von fünf Prozent. Real, also abzüglich der Preissteigerungsrate, dürfte das Bauvolumen 2013 um zwei Prozent wachsen. Dies liegt vor allem an der erwarteten Normalisierung der Auftragslage im öffentlichen ...
Die Preise von Eigentumswohnungen und die Wohnungsmieten sind in den vergangenen Jahren in den meisten deutschen Großstädten deutlich gestiegen. Diese Entwicklung wird sich 2013 fortsetzen. Berlin, Hamburg, München und Frankfurt am Main liegen bei den Preis- und Mietsteigerungen weiterhin an der Spitze. In diesen Städten ziehen die Preise deutlich stärker an als die Mieten. Für die Großstädte des Ruhrgebiets ...