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226 Ergebnisse, ab 131
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Determinants of Ownership Changes in the Market for Diabetes

    Abstract:  This paper investigates the determinants of ownership changes of drug candidates in one of the most important current pharma markets —the market for diabetes. We in particular look at how do the competitive circumstances, progress in clinical development and radicalness of the drug candidates matter in these decisions. We use newly constructed, very granular dataset tracking...

    20.12.2019| Jan Malek
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Data Network Effects: The Example of Internet Search

    Abstract:   The rise of dominant firms in data driven industries is often credited to their alleged data advantage. Empirical evidence lending support to this conjecture is lacking. In this paper, we show that data as an input into machine learning tasks displays features that favor the hypothesis that data is a source of market power. We study the search result quality for search keywords on...

    06.12.2019| Maximilian Schäfer
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Partitioned Pricing and Consumer Welfare

    Abstract:   In online commerce, obfuscation strategies by sellers are hypothesized to mislead consumers to their detriment and to the profit of sellers. One such obfuscation strategy is partitioned pricing in which the price is split into a base price and add-on fees. While empirical evidence suggests that partitioned pricing impacts consumer decisions through salience effects, its consumer...

    06.12.2019| Kevin Ducbao Tran
  • Statement

    Tesla-Werk ist ermutigendes Signal für Automobilstandort Deutschland

    Zur Ankündigung des Elektroautobauers Tesla, ein Werk in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg zu errichten, äußert sich der DIW-Ökonom Alexander Schiersch, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Unternehmen und Märkte am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), wie folgt:

    13.11.2019| Alexander Schiersch
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Incumbency Advantage: Theory and Possible Applications

    Joanna and Christoph will do a joint IOBB to exchange ideas on a possible project on incumbency advantage and mergers in procurement auctions. In the first part of the seminar, they will discuss possible theoreotical explanations and consequences of incumbency advantage. This will open the floor for discussion on how data from procurement auctions in the French urban transport industry can be...

    01.11.2019| Christoph Wolf, Bocconi University, Joanna Piechucka
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Evaluation of Bidding Groups in First-price Auctions

    Abstract: In this paper, we analyze bidding groups that participate in procurement auctions. Our main question is to ask, whether in the absence of the joint bid, there could have been two or more independent bids and if yes, these bids yield a different final outcome. We utilize data from the Austrian construction sector and estimate models of first-price sealed-bid auctions with endogenous entry...

    11.10.2019| Christine Zulehner, University of Vienna
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2019: Policy Roundtable: Consumer and Competition Policy in Times of Rising Corporate Power

    In the closing policy roundtable about Consumer and Competition Policy in Times of Rising Corporate Power, panelists Amelia Fletcher (University of East Anglia and Centre for Competition Policy), Marit Hansen (State of Schleswig-Holstein), Stefan Hunt (UK Competition and Markets Authority), Paul Nemitz (European Commission), and moderator Hans Friederiszick (E.CA Economics) engaged in a lively...

    22.07.2019| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2019: Panel 2: Political Consequences of Corporate Power in Digital Markets

    In the first afternoon session, Matthew Gentzkow (Stanford University) and Helen Margetts (University of Oxford) presented their research on the political consequences of corporate power in digital markets.

    22.07.2019| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2019: Panel 1: The Rise of Market Power

    In the opening session of the BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2019, Jan Eeckhout (Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona), Jonathan Baker (American University), and Fiona Scott Morton (Yale University) discussed the global rise of concentration, profits, mark-ups and market power across many markets and industries, the possible explanations for rising mark-ups and concentration and the role of...

    22.07.2019| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Konferenz

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2019

    Focusing on regulatory challenges in digital markets, in particular the rise of corporate power, the fourth annual Conference and Policy Forum of the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) was held in Berlin on June 21st, 2019.  Touching upon an issue at the forefront of current European and US policy debates, more than 100 participants, including academics from law and economics, policy...

    21.06.2019| Jan Eeckhout, Fiona Scott Morton, Jonathan Baker, Matthew Gentzkow, Helen Margetts, Daniela Stockmann, Amelia Fletcher, Marit Hansen, Stefan Hunt, Paul Nemitz, Hans W. Friederiszick, Tomaso Duso
226 Ergebnisse, ab 131