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226 Ergebnisse, ab 171
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2016: Welcome address

    Big data is transforming the world we live in. The instant availability of information impacts how individuals consume, how businesses thrive or fail, how society makes scientific discoveries, as well as how governments design and implement informed policies. At a pace and scale unanticipated 20 years ago, information technology is enabling consumers globally. Uncountable services make use of a...

    17.06.2016| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2016: Session 1: Privacy Preferences in Digital Markets

    Individuals value privacy, socializing, and disclosing. These conflicting actions raise important issues for individuals and regulators. This session surveys the economic foundations of privacy relying on insights from economic theory and empirical evidence. How much do consumers value privacy? Do (or should) consumers unambiguously strive for stronger privacy protection? How have businesses...

    17.06.2016| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2016: Session 2: Privacy Compliance: Regulation vs. Market Forces

    Privacy concerns are receiving increased attention by both lawmakers and firms. What are firms doing to protect the privacy of their customers? Are firms responding to market forces? To regulatory pressure? To other forces? This panel will explore the interaction between regulation, markets and other forces, and its implications for optimal legal policy. Florencia Marotta-Wurgler Professor of...

    17.06.2016| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2016: Session 3: Data-driven Innovation

    Unprecedented interconnectedness, data collection, and analytical capabilities are revolutionizing our interactions in society. Online platforms play a key role in this process as they shape the way consumers and firms use and commercialize the Internet. In data-driven platforms, product quality, for example search results and the targeting of advertisements, increases in the amount of data...

    17.06.2016| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2016: Policy Roundtable: Privacy in Competition and Consumer Policy

    Privacy regulation in digital markets has been at the forefront of the policy debate on both sides of the Atlantic in the past years. This panel will discuss such issues as the EU-US Privacy Shield following the Safe Harbor ruling of the ECJ, the conditions for voluntary consumer consent to the processing of personal data, efforts to ensure individuals’ control over personal data collected by data...

    17.06.2016| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Konferenz

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2016

    Big data is transforming the world we live in. The instant availability of information impacts how individuals consume, how businesses thrive or fail, how society makes scientific discoveries, as well as how governments design and implement informed policies. At a pace and scale unanticipated 20 years ago, information technology is enabling consumers globally. Uncountable services make use of a...

  • DIW Economic Bulletin 15 / 2016

    EU Competition Policy Enforcement Supports Investment in the Energy Sectors

    Energy sectors—primarily power generation and gas production, but also energy transmission and distribution—require significant capital investment in infrastructure. Market structures as well as the degree of competition and regulation are key factors that determine firms’ incentive to invest. Yet the empirical research on the link between these factors and private investment is still quite scarce, ...

    2016| Tomaso Duso, Jo Seldeslachts, Florian Szücs
  • DIW Wochenbericht 15 / 2016

    EU-Wettbewerbspolitik fördert Investitionen in den Energiesektoren

    Der Energiesektor zeichnet sich durch den Bedarf an kapitalintensiven Investitionen in Infrastruktur aus – vor allem in der Stromerzeugung und der Gasgewinnung, aber auch in der Energieübertragung und -verteilung. Sowohl die Marktstrukturen als auch der Grad an Wettbewerb und Regulierung sind Schlüsselfaktoren bei der Bestimmung der Investitionsanreize für Unternehmen. Dennoch sind die empirischen ...

    2016| Tomaso Duso, Jo Seldeslachts, Florian Szücs
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 26/27 / 2016

    Paying by the Hour: The Least Appealing Option for Clients of Lawyers

    In this study, we analyze a client’s choice of contract in auctions where Dutch law firms compete for cases. The distinguishing feature is that lawyers may submit bids with any fee arrangement they wish. We find robust evidence that bids offering hourly rates are less attractive to clients. Our findings tentatively contradict lawyers’ often-made argument that hourly rates are in a client’s best in ...

    2016| Jo Seldeslachts
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 26/27 / 2016

    Clients Prefer Flat Fee Contracts: Ten Questions to Jo Seldeslachts

226 Ergebnisse, ab 171