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216 Ergebnisse, ab 201
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Renewable Electric Energy Integration: Quantifying the Value of Design of Markets for International Transmission Capacity

    Integrating large quantities of variable renewable electricity generation remains a political and operational challenge. One of the main obstacles in Europe to installing at least 200 GWs of power from variable renewable sources is how to deal with the insufficient network capacity and the congestion that will result from new flow patterns. We model the current methodology for controlling congestion ...

    In: Energy Economics 40 (2013), S. 760-772 | Karsten Neuhoff, Julian Barquin, Janusz Bialek, Rodney Boyd, Chris Dent, Franciso Echavarren, Thilo Grau, Christian von Hirschhausen, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Friedrich Kunz, Christian Nabe, Georgios Papaefthymiou, Christoph Weber, Hannes Weigt
  • Diskussionspapiere 1330 / 2013

    They Played the Merger Game: A Retrospective Analysis in the UK Videogames Market

    We study the effect of a merger in a dynamic high-technology industry-the videogame market- which is characterized by frequent introduction of new products. To assess the impact of the merger between two large specialist retailers in the UK, we perform a difference-in-differences analysis comparing the price evolution of the merging parties to that of their 7 major competitors on an original sample ...

    2013| Luca Aguzzoni, Elena Argentesi, Paolo Buccirossi, Lorenzo Ciari, Tomaso Duso, Massimo Tognoni, Cristiana Vitale
  • Diskussionspapiere 1323 / 2013

    Does State Antitrust Enforcement Drive Establishment Exit?

    Previous work has shown that state-level antitrust enforcement activity may have impacts on entry and relocation behavior by U.S. firms. Significant state-level antitrust activity may be an indicator of a perceived adverse business environment and it is found to deter establishment entry, particularly for larger firms in the retail and wholesale sectors. An obvious question is whether establishment ...

    2013| Robert M. Feinberg, Thomas A. Husted, Florian Szücs
  • Diskussionspapiere 1321 / 2013

    Merger Externalities in Oligopolistic Markets

    We quantify externalities on profitability and market shares of competing firms in oligopolistic markets through the transition from an n to an n - 1 player oligopoly after a merger. Competitors are identified via the European Commission's market investigations and our methodology allows us to distinguish the externality due to the change in market structure from the merger effect. We obtain results ...

    2013| Klaus Gugler, Florian Szücs
  • Diskussionspapiere 1216 / 2012

    Location, Location, Location: Extracting Location Value from House Prices

    The price for a single-family house depends both on the characteristics of the building and on its location. We propose a novel semiparametric method to extract location values from house prices. After splitting house prices into building and land components, location values are estimated with adaptive weight smoothing. The adaptive estimator requires neither strong smoothness assumptions nor local ...

    2012| Jens Kolbe, Rainer Schulz, Martin Wersing, Axel Werwatz
  • DIW Wochenbericht 46 / 2012

    Bauwirtschaft: Neubau profitiert von der Krise im Euroraum

    Die Konjunkturaussichten für die deutsche Bauwirtschaft hellen sich nach einer Stagnation im Jahr 2012 für das kommende Jahr wieder auf. Das DIW Berlin erwartet ein nominales Wachstum des Bauvolumens von fünf Prozent. Real, also abzüglich der Preissteigerungsrate, dürfte das Bauvolumen 2013 um zwei Prozent wachsen. Dies liegt vor allem an der erwarteten Normalisierung der Auftragslage im öffentlichen ...

    2012| Martin Gornig, Hendrik Hagedorn
  • Externe Monographien

    Die Nachfrage nach Primär- und Sekundärrohstoffen der Steine-und-Erden-Industrie bis 2030 in Deutschland

    Berlin: bbs, 2012, 91 S. | Fritz Schwarzkopp, Jochen Drescher, Martin Gornig, Jürgen Blazejczak
  • Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2009

    Genügend Widerstandskraft? Immobilienfinanzierung und Haushaltsverschuldung in Deutschland, Großbritannien, den Niederlandén und den USA

    2009| Oleg Badunenko, Nataliya Barasinska, Dorothea Schäfer
  • FINESS Working Papers 3.4 / 2009

    What's Banking Sector Concentration Got to Do with Private Equity Market?

    The paper investigates the link between bank concentration and a country's buyout market. We perform a macro level analysis for 15 European countries during 1997-2007. We estimate the elasticity of the country i's buyout market to country i's concentration in the banking sector. Our major finding suggests that the more concentrated the banking sector is, the better it is for the size of the buyout ...

    2009| Oleg Badunenko, Saloni Deva, Dorothea Schäfer, Michael Viertel
  • Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 1 / 2009

    Genügend Widerstandskraft? Immobilienfinanzierung und Haushaltsverschuldung in Deutschland, Großbritannien, den Niederlanden und den USA

    Die vorliegende Studie zielt auf die Einschätzung der ökonomischen Stabilität der Haushalte in Deutschland ab. Ausgehend von der Betrachtung der unterschiedlichen Immobilienfinanzierungsregime wird anhand aggregierter und disaggregierter Haushaltsdaten die wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Situation der privaten Haushalte in Deutschland, Großbritannien, den Niederlanden und den USA untersucht. Die Befunde ...

    2009| Oleg Badunenko, Nataliya Barasinska, Dorothea Schäfer
216 Ergebnisse, ab 201