We provide an evaluation of the impact of German public subsidy schemes in municipalities of Bavaria and Lower Saxony aimed at supporting the deployment of basic broadband infrastructure in rural Germany. Such subsidies are subject to state aid control by the European Commission and may only be granted if the potential market failure is addressed without distorting competition. We first analyse the ...
This is an online seminar using Cisco Webex. You will receive the login data with the invitation to the talk. Abstract: A fast growing and diverse literature has addressed one of the riddles of economic developments: the declining labor productivity growth in almost all advanced economies. One of the reasons discussed is the shift towards service industries with inherently low...
This is an online seminar using Cisco Webex. You will receive the login data with the invitation to the talk. Abstract: High and growing prescription drug costs in the United States are a major concern for policy makers. This paper focuses on the extent to which promotional gifts and other transfers made to physicians by pharmaceutical companies cause physicians to prescribe more...
DIW-WissenschaftlerInnen analysieren Auswirkungen von regionalen Beihilfen auf Investitionstätigkeit von Unternehmen – Neue EU-Leitlinien von 2014 erschweren unter anderem Vergabe von Beihilfen an große Unternehmen – Investitionen von Großunternehmen gehen in Folge zurück – Europäisches Rahmenwerk für Regionalbeihilfen sollte nachjustiert werden – ...
The European Commission (DG Competition) commissioned an international consortium of DIW Berlin together with E.CA Economics, LEAR, University of East Anglia and Sheppard Mullin with a background study on State aid in the field of environmental protection and energy. The results of the study will support the Commission in the revision of the EU Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection...
The deployment of a safe and effective vaccine for Covid-19 will be central to lifting containment measures. In a bid to speed up vaccine deployment, governments are entering into ‘Advance Purchase Agreements’ (APAs) with vaccine companies to secure access to vaccine doses. We document and compare the vaccine procurement strategies of the US and the EU. Most notably, we find that both...
Die Bereitstellung eines sicheren und wirksamen Impfstoffs gegen Covid-19 ist von zentraler Bedeutung für die Aufhebung der Eindämmungsmaßnahmen im öffentlichen Leben. Um den Zugang zu Impfstoffen zu sichern, schließen Regierungen mit Impfstoffunternehmen spezielle Verträge, "Advance Purchase Agreements" (APA), ab. Diese Studie vergleicht die Beschaffungsstrategien...