Sanctions against Russia following the annexation of Crimea reduced consumption in Russia by 1.4 percent - Simulations show that the potential for sanctions could have been higher - Involvement of emerging economies would have increased sanction pressure - Sanctions caused greater losses for small economies in the proximity of Russia than for large economies - Burden-sharing funds could reduce asymmetries With ...
Sanktionen gegen Russland nach der Annexion der Krim reduzierten den Konsum in Russland um 1,4 Prozent – Simulationsrechnungen zeigen, dass Sanktionspotenzial höher hätte sein können – Beteiligung von Schwellenländern hätte Sanktionsdruck erhöht – Sanktionen bescherten kleinen osteuropäischen Volkswirtschaften größere Kosten als großen Volkswirtschaften – Lastenausgleichsfonds könnten Asymmetrien verringern ...
Rent control is a highly debated social policy that has been omnipresent since World War I. Since the 2010s, it is experiencing a true renaissance, for many cities and countries facing chronic housing shortages are desperately looking for solutions, directing their attention to controling housing rents and other restrictive policies. Is rent control useful or does it create more damage than utility? ...
This paper re-evaluates the US external deficit which has considerably widened over the 1990s. US safe asset provision to the rest of the world is the dominant explanation for the persistent nature of the US external deficit. We suggest that apart from the safe asset hypothesis, there is an important role for technology shocks originating in US multinational companies that have a strong foreign direct ...
This study examines short-, medium-, and long-run price expectations in housing markets. At the heart of our analysis is the combination of data from a tailored in-person household survey, past sale offerings, satellite imagery on developable land, and an information treatment (RCT). As novel finding, we show that price expectations show no evidence for momentum-effects in the long run. We also do ...