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874 Ergebnisse, ab 41
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    When Competition is not Desired: the Case of Antibiotic Prescribing

    Antibiotics are effective in treating bacterial infections. However, the excessive usage of antibiotics leads to the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria, which significantly reduces their effectiveness. Current strategies to address antibiotic resistance mainly target primary care physicians, who serve as the gatekeepers of antibiotic prescriptions in many countries. Therefore, it is...

    07.06.2023| Temulun Borjigen, DIW Berlin
  • Bericht

    Podcast "fossilfrei - Folge #2: Elektromobilität

    In dieser Folge schauen sich Alexander Roth und Wolf-Peter Schill verschiedene Ziele der Ampel-Regierung im Bereich der Elektromobilität näher an und diskutieren, ob wir auf dem richtigen Weg zum Erreichen dieser Ziele sind. Dabei erklären sie auch, welche Arten von elektrischen Fahrzeugen es gibt, welche Rolle Brennstoffzellenfahrzeuge bei Pkw spielen und wie Elektrofahrzeuge gefördert werden. Zudem ...

    17.05.2023| Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Government Ownership and Competition: Evidence from the European Airline Industry

    This paper empirically analyses the impact of government ownership on competition in monopoly and duopoly markets. We use the European Airline Industry as a laboratory. In our empirical strategy we exploit two sources of exogenous variations that allow us to cleanly filter out the effect of government ownership on the likelihood of exit. First, we study government ownership that was triggered by a...

    17.05.2023| Christina Stadler, DIW Berlin
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Free Allocation and Exports

    The European Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) is the key policy tool of the EU to reduce GHG emissions. To prevent carbon leakage, most of the emission permits have been allocated for free in the industrial sector. A carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) will be introduced end of 2023 as an alternative carbon leakage protection instrument. However, the CBAM will only gradually replace free...

    19.04.2023| Robin Sogalla, DIW Berlin
  • Tagung

    Tagung des Industrieökonomischen Ausschusses Meeting of the Committee for Industrial Economics

    Jahrestagung 2023 des Industrieökonomischen Ausschusses im Verein für Socialpolitik

  • Tagung

    Meeting of the Committee for Industrial Economics

    2023 Annual Meeting of the Committee for Industrial Economics of the Verein für Socialpolitik

  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Competition and VAT Pass-Through

    We examine how competition affects VAT pass-through in isolated oligopolistic markets as defined by the Greek islands. Using daily gasoline prices and a difference-in-differences methodology, we study how changes in VAT rates are passed through to consumers in islands with different number of retailers. We show that pass-through increases with competition, going from 50% in monopoly to around 80%...

    29.03.2023| Themistoklis Kampouris, DIW Berlin
  • DIW Roundup

    On the relation between trade and democratization

    Whether trade can achieve societal change is a contested topic and difficult to investigate. This round-up aims at summarizing recent empirical research on this topic while focusing on democracy and democratization as an important part of societal change. No robust results for change arising from trade can be found, but there exists an inverse causality, i.e., democratization leading to more trade...

  • DIW Roundup

    On the relation between trade and democratization

    Whether trade can achieve societal change is a contested topic and difficult to investigate. This round-up aims at summarizing recent empirical research on this topic while focusing on democracy and democratization as an important part of societal change. No robust results for change arising from trade can be found, but there exists an inverse causality, i.e., democratization leading to more trade...

  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Are M&As Spurring or Stifling Innovation? - Evidence from Antidiabetic Drug Development

    The innovation impact of acquisitions of small targets with products close to launch by large product market incumbents is currently debated, weighing whether incumbents might preemptively terminate or “kill” the innovative projects of these targets. This paper provides empirical evidence on which M&A deals spur and which stifle innovation. To this end, we not only look at the product market...

    15.03.2023| Jo Seldeslachts, DIW Berlin & KU Leuven
874 Ergebnisse, ab 41