Weekly Report 16 / 2010
The German mechanical engineering industry, dominated by medium-sized companies, is greatly successful - both on the domestic and on the international market. A first analysis conducted by DIW Berlin reveals that this success cannot be attributed to a better exploitation of potential efficiencies - mechanical engineering is about as efficient as other key sectors (for instance the chemical industry). ...
2010| Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Schiersch
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
The German chemical manufacturing industry experienced major downsizing between 1992 and 2004, with the average size of firms shrinking by nearly half during this period. This study uses modern frontier efficiency analysis to investigate the determinants of this downsizing. Based on reliable census data, the results of this analysis suggest that firms were not primarily concerned with improving technical ...
Small Business Economics
34 (2010), 4, S. 413-431
| Oleg Badunenko
DIW Wochenbericht 51/52 / 2009
Der deutsche Maschinenbau ist seit langem sowohl national als auch international sehr erfolgreich. Wie in kaum einem zweiten Sektor dominieren zudem mittelgroße Unternehmen. Eine erste Analyse des DIW Berlin zeigt, dass sich dieser Erfolg nicht auf eine volle Ausschöpfung vorhandener Effizienzpotentiale zurückführen lässt. Es finden sich vielmehr ähnliche Einsparpotentiale wie in anderen Branchen (beispielsweise ...
2009| Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Schiersch
Diskussionspapiere 949 / 2009
This paper aims to examine the relative efficiency of German engineering firms using a sample of roughly 23,000 observations between 1995 and 2004. As these firms had been successful in the examination period in terms of output- and export-growth, it is expected that a majority of firms is operating quite efficiently and that the density of efficiency scores is skewed to the left. Moreover, as the ...
2009| Alexander Schiersch
DIW Wochenbericht 5 / 2009
2009| Alexander S. Kritikos
DIW Wochenbericht 32 / 2009
In der deutschen Chemieindustrie ging die Zahl der Beschäftigten von 1992 bis 2004 deutlich zurück, und die durchschnittliche Unternehmensgröße sank von 824 auf 433 Beschäftigte. Die Triebfeder dieser Entwicklung war weniger die Beseitigung technischer oder organisatorischer Ineffizienzen. Den Unternehmen ging es vielmehr darum, die für sie optimale Größe zu erreichen und überschüssige Kapazitäten ...
2009| Oleg Badunenko
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Economic disparities between the regions of the European Union are of constant concern both for policy and economic research. In this paper, we examine whether there are overlapping trends of regional development in the EU: overall convergence, on the one hand, and persistent or even increasing spatial concentration (agglomeration), on the other. Kernel density estimation, Markov chain analysis and ...
Papers in Regional Science
87 (2008), 2, S. 193-217
| Kurt Geppert, Andreas Stephan
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
The traditional approach to measuring allocative efficiency exploits input prices, which are rarely known at the firm level. This paper proves allocative efficiency can be measured as a profit-oriented distance to the frontier in a profit-technical efficiency space. This new approach does not require information on input prices. To validate the new approach, we perform a Monte-Carlo experiment providing ...
Economic Modelling
25 (2008), 5, S. 1093-1109
| Oleg Badunenko, Michael Fritsch, Andreas Stephan
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
In Eastern Germany, wage differentiation between firms has clearly grown, parallel to individual wage differentials. Nevertheless, the wage spread between firms is still much less than in Western Germany. In this paper, a non-parametric decomposition is used to analyze the difference between the wages spread in the two parts of Germany. Only part of the difference can be explained by different economic ...
Economics of Transition
16 (2008), 2, S. 273-292
| Bernd Görzig, Martin Gornig, Axel Werwatz
Externe Monographien
328 S.
(Edition der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung ; 197)
| Michael Nusser (Projektltg.), Birgit Soete, Sven Wydra (Hrsg.)