The sharp rise in electricity prices has led to a discussion on possible subsidies for companies in the form of an industrial power tariff. The subsidies should help companies remain internationally competitive and prevent them from relocating overseas. Although German electricity prices for (industrial) firms are around the European average due to many tax exemptions, they are significantly higher ...
Die stark gestiegenen Energiepreise haben zu einer breiten Diskussion über mögliche Entlastungen für Unternehmen in Form eines Industriestrompreises geführt. Damit sollen Unternehmen international wettbewerbsfähig bleiben und es soll eine Abwanderung ins Ausland verhindert werden. Tatsächlich liegen die deutschen Strompreise für (Industrie-) Unternehmen aufgrund vielfacher Abgabenbefreiungen im europäischen ...
We analyse the impact of the temporary tax reduction on diesel and gasoline prices from June to the end of August 2022 in Germany. By implementing a synthetic difference-in-differences approach with different baskets of European countries, we find a significant reduction in prices by 33.8–34.4 cents per litre for gasoline and 12.2–14.6 cents per litre for diesel. These results are robust to variations ...