Das umfangreiche Sammeln persönlicher Daten im Internet hat in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten einen großen Markt für personalisierte Inhalte ermöglicht. Tausende kleine und große Unternehmen arbeiten an der Sammlung und Zusammenführung von Daten über das Nutzer*innenverhalten auf Websites, um über Eigenschaften und -Interessen von Nutzer*innen zu lernen. Ganz an der Spitze befinden sich digitale Unternehmen ...
The rise of digitisation will cause a major upheaval in the manufacturing industries, bringing changes to traditional industrial location patterns as well. In order to understand the direction these structural changes are taking, this paper analyses the start-up activity in the industrial sector. The frontrunners are metropolitan regions and in particular major cities such as Berlin or Munich. Furthermore, ...
Our paper contributes to the discussion about Europe’s digital sovereignty. We analyze the relationship between firm performance and the diversification of sourcing countries for imported ICT goods. The analysis is based on administrative data for 3888 German manufacturing firms that imported ICT goods in the years 2010 and 2014. We find that firms that diversify the sourcing of ICT goods across multiple ...
We use the prolonged Greek crisis as a case study to understand how a lasting economic shock affects the innovation strategies of firms in economies with moderate innovation activities. Adopting the 3-stage CDM model, we explore the link between R&D, innovation, and productivity for different size groups of Greek manufacturing firms during the prolonged crisis. At the first stage, we find that the ...