Selbst ohne die Kindergrundsicherung kann der Staat Milliarden für arme Kinder mobilisieren – ohne mehr Geld auszugeben. Dafür müsste er nur an gewisse Freibeträge ran. Mit großen Ambitionen war die Bundesregierung angetreten, um Kinderarmut durch die Einführung einer Kindergrundsicherung zu bekämpfen. Diese Kindergrundsicherung steht jedoch nun vor dem Scheitern, auch weil es vielen nicht um den Inhalt ...
We study the dynamics of capital accumulation, income inequality, capital concentration, and voting up to 1914. Based on new panel data for Prussian regions, we re-evaluate the famous Revisionism Debate between orthodox Marxists and their critics. We show that changes in capital accumulation led to a rise in the capital share and income inequality, as predicted by orthodox Marxists. But against their ...
This study explores how gender and age interact in shaping beliefs about fair pay through a factorial survey experiment conducted with German employees. Respondents evaluated hypothetical worker descriptions varying in age, gender, and earnings. While no gender gap in fair earnings was found for the youngest hypothetical workers, a significant gap favoring men emerged with increasing age. This suggests ...
Research Question/Issue The introduction of gender quotas on corporate boards can disrupt the status quo, resulting in externalities that affect women's advancement within the company. This study investigates whether boardroom quotas contribute to promoting women further up the corporate ladder and facilitate access to a broader spectrum of positions. Research Findings/Insights Using legislative changes ...
Men at the bottom quintile of the German male earnings distribution had lower average earnings in 2019 than in 2001. In contrast, female earnings have increased throughout the distribution. What explains these diverging trends and how did they translate into changes in net income? Data from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) reveal that the drop in bottom male earnings is mostly due to a decrease in work ...