18. Juni 2020

Berlin Lunchtime Meeting

Accelerating Transformation: the Role of Investment in Germany and the EU to Support Recovery from the Pandemic Shock


18. Juni 2020
2.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.


ONLINE via Zoom


Debora Revoltella, Jakob von Weizsäcker

Europe and Germany are being hit by a historic shock due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Economic activity is going to shrink substantially this year, with lockdown measures having led to sharp contractions in economic output, household spending, corporate investment and international trade. Will we see a strong and sustainable recovery? Investment is central to reboot economic activity and to set the course for future growth. But what are the prospects for investment given current high levels of uncertainty? 

The pandemic has emphasized persistent investment needs for instance to address issues of social cohesion and boost digital capacities. At the same time, it reignited debates about how to reconcile speeding up growth with green ambitions, how to reinstate a fully functioning single market, and the positioning of the EU economy in global markets looking ahead. How well are German firms positioned to adapt to the post-pandemic environment and maintain competitiveness? What does it take for the German economy to master structural changes shaping production patterns, such as linked to digitalization and increase its resilience?

The event will debate challenges for Europe and Germany with regard to investment and technological transformation against the current background. It will present findings from the EIB Investment Report “Accelerating Europe’s transformation” and informed by results from the EIB Investment Survey, a unique datasource providing insights on corporate investment activity for Germany and the EU, allowing understanding structural trends.


Presentation: Debora Revoltella is the chief economist and the director of the economics department at the European Investment Bank, steering member of SUERF, EURO50 and The Vienna Initiative.

Comment: Jakob von Weizsäcker is the Chief Economist and Head of the Department Economic and fiscal policy strategy; international economy and finance at Federal Ministry of Finance.

Opening and Moderation: Nicola Brandt is the Head of the OECD Berlin Centre.


The event language will be English.

Please register for this event using the registration form. We will send you a link for the participation in the webinar separately. We look forward to seeing you there.


