How are individual and collective memories of extreme economic moments produced in a community? How do these memories translate into the political economy and shape the realm of possibility of macroeconomic policies? Why is some statistical data and economic policy represented more factual than other in the historical narration of national economies? How do some economic indicators become more powerful symbolic frameworks than others and receive different degrees of affective intensity? How can methods and key concepts of memory studies inform and enrich the historical and economics analysis related to these questions?
The masterclass will take place via Zoom Meeting.
Ute Röschenthaler, Universität Mainz, will give a keynote lecture on "Commemoration, Objectification and Silencing in African Memory Cultures" and provide valuable input during the discussions.
The concept of memory takes the masterclass' center stage. By submitting a short essay to the workshop, participants have the chance to reflect in an interdisciplinary discussion the role of memory in their own research to further the methodological and analytical foundation of their projects. On a general basis, our workshop wants to contribute to the methodology of analyzing expectations and experience in economic research and find better ways to integrate social and historical background for analyzing them. The interdisciplinary dialogue in our workshop is helpful for both, historically and economically trained researchers:
Historians get the chance to reflect on processes of selection, convergence and transfer of knowledge in relation to economic policies and statistical tools. Economists get the chance to reflect and contextualize the behavior of economic agents against an historical and sociological background. Learning about each other’s methods and questions is key and guides the workshop’s dialogue. Preliminary research ideas, which still lack a concrete methodological approach, are welcome to be taken up in the essay.
We invite all interested persons to submit till January 2022 to
Themen: Konjunktur