Gender Parity on Top Boards Is Still a Far-off Goal, and It Is Time for Companies to Take Action: Editorial

DIW Weekly Report 3/4 / 2023, S. 17-19

Anja Kirsch, Virginia Sondergeld, Philipp Alexander Thompson, Katharina Wrohlich

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Virginia Sondergeld

Research Associate in the Gender Economics Department

Katharina Wrohlich

Head in the Gender Economics Department

JEL-Classification: D22;J16;J59;J78;L21;L32;M14;M51;M12
Keywords: corporate boards, board composition, boards of directors, board diversity, Europe, women directors, executive directors, gender equality, gender quota, Germany, management, private companies, public companies, supervisory boards, executive boards, CEOs, women, finance industry, financial sector, private and public banks, insurance companies, accountability, corporate governance, CSR, diversity, female directors, leadership positions, managers, non-financial disclosure, non-financial reporting

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