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22. März 2023

Berlin Lunchtime Meeting

Social Mobility as a Key to Success for Economic Transformation and Reform


22. März 2023
11:30 - 12:45


Elinor Ostrom Hall
DIW Berlin
Mohrenstr. 58
10117 Berlin


Romina Boarini, Sandra Bohmann, Marcel Fratzscher, Moderation by Nicola Brandt

Social mobility and equal opportunity are key to thriving societies and economies. In the aftermath of the pandemic and in the context of increasing prices, calls for policymakers to address social and economic inequalities are intensifying. The recently launched Observatory on Social Mobility and Equal Opportunity not only brings together all OECD data points, but also displays the impact of different policies as well as the role of civil society and the private sector. This includes issues like differences in the distribution of poverty and wealth as well as as education, labour market policies and strategic regional investments. Following a presentation on the Observatory, the panel will analyze specific challenges in Germany and discuss policy measures to promote social mobility and create equal opportunities.


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Livestream: Social Mobility as a Key to Success for Economic Transformation and Reform


Romina Boarini, Director of the Centre on Well-Being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity (WISE), OECD

Sandra Bohmann, Research Associate at German Socio Economic-Panel Study, DIW Berlin

Marcel Fratzscher, President of DIW Berlin

Moderated by: Nicola Brandt, OECD Berlin Centre


