Recent Methodological Advances in Panel Data Collection, Analysis, and Application: [Editorial]

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Sabine Zinn, Tobias Wolbring

In: Survey Research Methods 17 (2023), 3, S. 219-222


Panel studies have become an indispensable part of today's research world especially when addressing causal questions and tracking changes over time. Three conditions are essential for effective panel data analysis: 1) having a sufficiently long time series with a substantial number of observations, 2) ensuring measurement consistency over time, and 3) using a meaningful model for selecting elements from the target population. To meet these conditions, survey research provides appropriate tools (e.g., effective motivational strategies to encourage panel participation or statistical techniques to assess selection and measurement bias). However, it is crucial for researchers and data analysts to not only use these resources, but also remain vigilant regarding potential pitfalls. In addition, new data collection methods are emerging that require researchers to assess their capabilities. This special issue addresses these demands by presenting research on incentive systems and their effects, measurement problems in panel studies, and new applications of panel data.

Sabine Zinn

Acting Director SOEP in the German Socio-Economic Panel study Department

Keywords: Panel, data collection, panel analysis
