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The Effect of Migration on Careers of Natives: Evidence from Long-term Care

Discussion Papers 2070, 54 S.

Peter Haan, Izabela Wnuk


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This paper examines the effect of increasing foreign staffing on the labor market outcomes of native workers in the German long-term care sector. Using administrative social security data covering the universe of long-term care workers and policy-induced exogenous variation, we find that increased foreign staffing reduces labor shortages but has diverging implications for the careers of native workers in the sector. While it causes a transition of those currently employed to jobs with better working conditions, higher wages, and non-manual tasks, it simultaneously diminishes re-employment prospects for the unemployed natives with LTC experience.

Izabela Wnuk-Soares

Ph.D. Student in the Public Economics Department

Peter Haan

Head of Department in the Public Economics Department

JEL-Classification: J61;I11
Keywords: Immigration, shift-share instrument, long-term care, EU Enlargement
Frei zugängliche Version: (econstor)
