Parents' Life Satisfaction Prior to and Following Preterm Birth

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Robert Eves, Nicole Baumann, Ayten Bilgin, Daniel Schnitzlein, David Richter, Dieter Wolke, Sakari Lemola

In: Scientific Reports 13 (2023), 21233, 10 S.


The current study tested whether the reported lower wellbeing of parents after preterm birth, relative to term birth, is a continuation of a pre-existing difference before pregnancy. Parents from Germany (the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, N = 10,649) and the United Kingdom (British Household Panel Study and Understanding Society, N = 11,012) reported their new-born’s birthweight and gestational age, subsequently categorised as very preterm or very low birthweight (VP/VLBW, < 32 weeks or < 1500 g), moderately/late preterm or low birthweight (MLP/LBW, ≥ 32 weeks and < 37 weeks/≥ 1500 g and < 2500 g), or term-born (≥ 37 weeks and ≥ 2500 g). Mixed models were used to analyse life satisfaction, an aspect of wellbeing, at four assessments-two years and six months before birth and six months and two years afterwards. Two years before birth, satisfaction of prospective term-born, MLP/LBW, or VP/VLBW mothers did not significantly differ. However, mothers of VP/VLBWs had lower satisfaction relative to mothers of term-borns at both assessments post-birth. Among fathers, satisfaction levels were similarly equivalent two years before birth. Subsequently, fathers of VP/VLBWs temporarily differed in satisfaction six months post-birth relative to fathers of term-borns. Results indicate that parents’ lower life satisfaction after VP/VLBW birth is not a continuation of pre-existing life satisfaction differences.

Topics: Well-being, Family
