Discussion Papers 2104, 27 S., XXXIV
Camille Remigereau, Clara Schäper
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This study examines how student aid eligibility influences application decisions to higher education using administrative data from France. We study the impact of a change in income thresholds for aid eligibility. We find that aid eligibility did not have a uniform effect on students’ applications but varied by gender and academic performance. Highperforming male students shifted their First-Ranked application from non-selective to selective long-term programs. Yet, female students did not show a systematic response. We suggest that female students were more certain in their application choices, while male students faced stronger financial constraints than females when attending long-term selective programs.
Topics: Distribution, Inequality, Gender, Education
JEL-Classification: I22;I23;I24;I38;J16
Keywords: Education, inequality, financial aid, gender