Completed Project
NEUJOBS is a research project financed by the European Commission, under the 7th Framework Programme. The objective is to analyse future possible developments of the European labour market(s) under the main assumption that European societies are facing or preparing to face four main transitions that will have a major impact on employment, in particular for some groups in the labour force or sectors of the economy. Which transitions? The first one is the socio-ecological transition, a comprehensive change in the patterns of social organization and culture, production and consumption that will drive humanity beyond the current industrial model towards a more sustainable future. The second is the societal transition produced by the combination of population ageing, low fertility rate, changing family structures, urbanization and growing female employment. The third transition concerns ‘new territorial dynamics' and the balance between agglomeration and dispersion forces. The fourth is the skills (upgrading) transition and its consequences for employment and inequalities.
NEUJOBS is organised in 23 work-packages divided into six groups. DIW is engaged in group 2. WP8 of this group focusses on the spatial dimension of the various transition processes analysed in this project. DIW is also involved in group 4 which examines possible trends in key sector of the economy in light of the transition processes: energy (WP11), health care and goods / services for the ageing population (WP12-leader DIW Schulz), care services (WP13) housing (WP14) and transport (WP15).
The time horizon for the project is 2025 and, as already stressed, the focus is on employment in Europe.
NEUJOBS website