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Automobility in Flux: More Women and Older Drivers at the Wheel

Press Release of November 21, 2012

Having barely registered an increase at the beginning of the new millennium, during the economic upturn after 2009, mileage traveled by registered motor vehicles in Germany experienced significant growth, both in the case of utility vehicles and automobiles. Overall, in 2011, mileage traveled by automobiles was greater than ever before. Despite more efficient engineering, this resulted in fuel consumption stagnating in recent years, although the long-term trend is one of decline. With an 85-percent share of all mileage, automobiles dominate our roads. This transport demand pattern is predominantly created by the needs of private households which are currently in a state of flux when it comes to gender and age balance. Women's growing presence in education and on the labor market has, in turn, resulted in an increase in their car ownership and mileage covered. At the same time, men and women are maintaining a more mobile lifestyle by retaining their cars into older age. However, more limited car use has been observed, particularly among young people who, more frequently than previously, seem to be opting for the most suitable form of transport rather than traveling exclusively with their own vehicles.


Wochenbericht 47/2012 (PDF, 479.76 KB)

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