Registration Form

Application for Summer school on
-Economic Foundations for Energy and Climate Policies-

Date: 9-13 September 2019
Location: Berlin

Deadline for applications 30.04.2019

Bitte beachten Sie / Please note: Upload is max. 3MB per Upload


Motivation Letter


Data protection / declaration of consent

We process your data exclusively in order to inform you about and invite you to our public relations events. Your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 a of the GDPR) serves as the legal basis for this data processing. We will not pass on your data to third parties unless we are organizing the event together with a cooperating partner. In this case, the cooperating partner will also receive your data when you register for an event. Further information on how DIW Berlin handles your data and on your data protection rights can be found here. If you no longer wish to receive information about and invitations to our events in the future, please let us know, and we will delete your data. We hope to be able to continue inviting you to our events.

privacy policy


By processing this action, I consent to DIW Berlin processing my data to the extent and for the purposes described above. I have read DIW Berlin’s privacy policy, which informed me of my rights. I know that I can revoke my declaration of consent at any time, which will not apply retroactively.