The aim of this research project is the development and empirical evaluation of climate and social policy instruments, which on the one hand contribute to achieving climate neutrality by 2045, and on the other hand could be implemented in a socially compatible way. The focus is on empirical analysis of the distribution and incentive effects including their interactions which are evaluated by...
Current Project| Public Economics, Energy, Transportation, Environment
In sectors of general interests, the economic activity of the state decreased over decades as a consequence of privatisation and liberalisation. Recently, local governments began to remunicipalise in the energy and water sector, thereby creating a new and modern generation of state-owned firms. These firms, however, differ in organisation and production environment from the state monopolists of...
Current Project| Firms and Markets, Energy, Transportation, Environment
In the project "Open Hydrogen Modeling", we expand and link three Berlin-based open-source models: the Global Gas Market Model (GGM), the Global Energy System Model (GENeSYS-MOD), and the electricity sector model DIETER. We investigate the prospects of the hydrogen markets in creation, ranging from the global market to the European and German market. We are particularly interested in the...
Current Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
In the framework of its research focus on the future of coal, DIW Berlin is a cooperation partner of the research group "CoalExit" at Europa-Universität Flensburg (previously at TU Berlin). "CoalExit" is a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional research group which brings together scholars from Europa-Universität Flensburg, TU Berlin, HU Berlin, and DIW Berlin. Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert and...
Determining a robust mix of energy carriers for a carbon-neutral EU
Decarbonising the European energy system requires a fundamental transformation in the way societies provide, transport and consume energy. Disagreement exists over how this system should look in 2050. In this project, we prepared an overview report on the decarbonisation options for coal, natural gas, and hydrogen in Europe.