DIW President Prof. Dr. Klaus F. Zimmermann appointed Dr. David Stephen Saal, Aston Business School as DIW Research Professor for an initial period of three years with effect from January 1, 2010. The appointment was suggested by Prof. Dr. Alexander Kritikos, Head of the Department Innovation, Manufacturing, Service.
Dr. Oleg Badunenko holds the Junior Professorship for Applied Econometrics in the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at University of Cologne. Dr. Oleg Badunenko is a Research Associate in the Department Innovation, Manufacturing, Service.
Dr. Jens Schmidt-Ehmcke graduated with a PhD degree from the Techniche Universität Berlin, Germany. His thesis „ Technology, Firm Performance and Market Structure" was examined by the professors Andreas Stephan, Europa Universität Viadrina und Christian von Hirschhausen, TU-Berlin.
In October 2009 Petra Zloczysti joined the Department of Innovation, Manufacturing, Service as a new research affiliate. She's going to work closely together with the innovation team.
From 1 Juni 2009 on there are three new Research Affiliates in the Department of Innovation, Manufacturing, Service for the next three years:Hani Mansour, Department of Economics an der Universitiy of California, Santa BarbaraMarco Caliendo, Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA)Jonathan H.W. Tan, Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham