by Stefan Gebauer, Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Anselm Mattes and Malte Rieth
Italy has yet to recover from the economic consequences of the financial and sovereign debt crisis that began more than a decade ago. In addition to losing 1.4 million jobs across the manufacturing and construction sectors, new industries driving growth across the EU, such as knowledge-intensive services, ...
27.02.2019| Stefan Gebauer, Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Malte Rieth
Caroline Stiel, who works at the Firms and Markets department, has successfully defended her dissertation at the Technische Universität Berlin.
The dissertation with the title "German Public Utilities: Organisation and Productivity" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Tomaso Duso (Technische Universität Berlin, DIW Berlin) und Dr. Astrid Cullmann (Technische Universität Berlin, DIW Berlin).
We ...
Mr. Kritikos, you’ve investigated the development of gross hourly wages in Germany. How have these wages developed since Germany’s reunification?
Immediately after reunification, there were substantial hourly wage increases, up through 1997 or 1998. After that, growth was minimal through 2004, followed by wage losses until 2010. Since 2010, after the financial crisis, wages started picking ...
Economically, Greece is still at rock bottom. Following massive cuts to its unit labor costs, the country no longer has any cost problems but its economy has not yet been reanimated. This makes it quite evident that by focusing solely on cost reductions and institutional reforms, the troika program did not go far enough. Without further reforms, certain sectors of the Greek economy such as tourism, ...