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Events of the Executive Board Department

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74 results, from 61
  • Berlin Lunchtime Meeting

    ESBies: Eine Zwei-Säulen-Strategie für Europa

    Vortrag: Markus K. Brunnermeier | Princeton UniversityKommentar: Dr. Christian Kastrop | Bundesministerium der FinanzenModeration: Dr. Ferdinand Fichtner | DIW BerlinEine europäische Schulden- und Fiskalstruktur ist nur gut, wenn sie auf zwei Säulen beruht. Zum einen muss ein institutioneller Rahmen geschaffen werden, der negative Externalitäten der Verschuldung einzelner Mitgliedsl...

  • Graduate Center Masterclasses

    Bayesian estimation of DSGE models

    12.04.2012| Michel Juillard, Bank of France
  • Event

    Eröffnung der PFiF-Außenstelle in Berlin

    Das Projekt FDZ im FDZ (PFiF) ist ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen dem Forschungsdatenzentrum der Bundesagentur für Arbeit im Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (FDZ der BA im IAB) und dem Forschungsdatenzentrum der Statistischen Ämter der Länder (FDZ). Ziel ist es, den Zugang zu den Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit in Deutschland zu vereinfachen. Das FDZ des...

    30.03.2012| Stefan Bender, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung Prof. Dr. Ulrike Rockmann, Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg, Gert G. Wagner
  • Graduate Center Masterclasses

    Discrete choice: Basics, new developments and applications in the transport sector

    29.03.2012| Juan de Dios Ortúzar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Workshop

    Writing Workshop for Academics

    The idea of the workshop is to provide a forum where the communication of the students' research results is the focus of conversation. As doctoral students it is all too easy to become lost in the details of their research and lose sight of the fact that at the end, they need to write papers that get published. The goal of the writing workshop is to talk about the writing process – ranging...

    28.03.2012| Adam Mark Lederer
  • Berlin Lunchtime Meeting

    Bildungssystem in Deutschland: Die langfristigen Effekte der Schulwahl auf Bildungsabschlüsse und auf Löhne

    Vortrag: Prof. Christian Dustmann, PhD. | University College London Kommentar: Martin Spiewak | DIE ZEITModeration: Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß | DIW Berlin In Zeiten zunehmender sozialer Ungleichheit in Deutschland wird der frühen Selektion der Schulkinder im Alter von 10 Jahren durch das dreigliedrige Schulsystem immer mehr der Vorwurf gemacht, sie trage zur Zementierung von...

  • DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    Business Taxes and the Electoral Cycle

    09.03.2012| Prof. Dr. Nadine Riedel
  • DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    Heterogeneity, Demand for Insurance and Adverse Selection

    17.02.2012| Johannes Spinnewijn, LSE
  • Berlin Lunchtime Meeting

    German Economic Performance

    Unfortunately, this event is already at capacity. No further registrations will be accepted. DIW Berlin together with its partners is pleased to invite to a special extended session of Berlin Lunchtime Meeting.Chair: Heino von Meyer, Head, OECD Berlin Centre10.00What are the main challenges for Germany?Andreas Wörgötter, Head of Division, Economics Department, OECD 10.10The labour...

  • Workshop

    Berlin Behavioral Economics Workshop

    The Berlin Behavioral Economics Workshop is a half-year joint event between DIW, ESMT, WZB, and TU Berlin with the aim of fostering the exchange between active researchers in the areas of behavioral and experimental economics. The 2012 workshop is jointly organized by Paul Heidhues (ESMT), Frank Heinemann (TU), Dorothea Kübler (WZB), Georg Weizsäcker (DIW and UCL) and Radosveta Ivanova...

  • DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    Do Countries Compensate Firms for International Wage Differentials?

    03.02.2012| Johannes Rincke, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Berlin Lunchtime Meeting

    Golden Growth: Restoring the Lustre of the European Economic Model

    Speakers:  Indermit Gill,  Chief Economist of the Europe and Central Asia Region of the World Bank, andMartin Raiser,  World Bank's Country Director for TurkeyChair: Dr. Ferdinand Fichtner, Head of the Department Forecasting and Economic Policy, DIW BerlinThe report documents the impressive achievements of the European growth model over the last 50 years. Accounting for the stresses...

  • Workshop

    Graduate Center Annual Workshop 2011

    GC Workshop is an annual event of DIW to foster networking and academic exchange. Besides of current students of DIW Graduate Center, we also invite all GC Alumni to join, to present their current work or share some experiences or insights from their new jobs. Please find attached the program.

  • Berlin Lunchtime Meeting

    The Gender Pay Gap in the US: Going, Going, ..., But Not Gone

    Chair: Elke HolstIntroduction: Anne Busch Professor Blau will describe trends in the gender pay gap in the United States in an international perspective, particularly the important gains in recent decades. She will consider fundamental explanations for the gender pay gap and use these explanations to understand the trends. Among the questions that she will consider are: Has discrimination against...

    12.09.2011| Prof. Francine D. Blau, Ph.D
74 results, from 61