Forecasting and Economic Policy Research Projects

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11 results, from 1
  • Research Project

    The Provision of External Expertise in the Field of Monetary and Financial Affairs (Monetary Expert Panel)

    Current Project| Macroeconomics, Forecasting and Economic Policy
  • Research Project

    Big Data in Macroeconomic Analysis: Texts as data source for the economic analysis - Potentials and possible applications

    The aim of this project is to use innovative approaches and heterogeneous data sources to advance research on forecasting economic development, predicting turning points and determining economic cycles. The first work package provides a comprehensive overview in the field of automated text analysis, the use of media data in the economic forecast and the methods of forecast evaluation, as well as...

    Completed Project| Forecasting and Economic Policy, Macroeconomics
  • Research Project

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the rent control introduced in 2015 to dampen rent increases in tight housing markets (Mietpreisbremse)

    The project investigates the effectiveness of the rent control for new rental contracts introduced in 2015. The effects of regulation on price formation in the regulated and unregulated housing market will be analyzed. In addition, the effects of the rent control on supply will be examined and the extent to which the law may have prevented investment will be studied.

    Completed Project| Forecasting and Economic Policy
  • Research Project

    Structural Data on Production and Employment in the Construction Industry - Calculations for the Years 2016 - 2019

    Completed Project| Firms and Markets, Forecasting and Economic Policy
  • Research Project

    Public investment as a driver of private investment

    The project examines the transmission channels between public investment and private investment activity in Germany, estimating the aggregate relationship with econometric models, focusing on the specific effects of individual investment categories (e.g., R & D investment) and areas of responsibility (e.g., Defense, Education, Environment). In view of possible barriers to investment, another...

    Completed Project| Forecasting and Economic Policy, Firms and Markets
  • Research Project

    Development of a macroeconomic forecasting model within the framework of the project "GET Uzbekistan"

    The project "German Economic Team Uzbekistan" ("GET Uzbekistan") supports the Uzbek government in stabilizing economic development and shaping the necessary economic reform processes. GET Uzbekistan is part of the regional project "High Level Government Advice on behalf of the BMWi", which also includes Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia.As a subcontractor of the BE Berlin Economics, DIW...

    Current Project| Forecasting and Economic Policy
  • Research Project

    Short-term economic effects of a 'Brexit' on the German economy

    The scientific report summarizes the state of the literature on the subject of short-term Brexit consequences and carries out quantitative simulations of the economic effects of a hard Brexit on the German economy using suitable macro-econometric methods.

    Completed Project| Forecasting and Economic Policy, Macroeconomics
  • Research Project

    Framework Contract for Workshops on Current Issues of Economic and Financial Policy

    Conceptual and technical preparation and execution of workshops on current topics in close coordination with thematically responsible staff of the BMF (up to 6 workshops per year)

    Completed Project| Forecasting and Economic Policy, Macroeconomics
  • Research Project

    EU Tax Observatory

    The EU Tax Observatory is an independent research laboratory hosted at the Paris School of Economics and DIW is the national cooperation partner.  It conducts innovative research on taxation, contributes to a democratic and inclusive debate on the future of taxation, and fosters a dialogue between the scientific community, civil society, and policymakers in the European Union and worldwide.

    Current Project| Macroeconomics, Forecasting and Economic Policy
  • Research Project

    Distributional Effects of Macroeconomic Policies in Europe

    Political measures at the level of the European Union are intended, among other things, to ensure the stability of the economic and monetary union. This includes, for example, the establishment of the European Recovery Fund, which can be a first step towards a fiscal union in the Eurozone. The project examines how these, and other economic policy measures affect inequality between households. The...

    Current Project| Macroeconomics, Forecasting and Economic Policy
  • Research Project

    Wealth policy instruments and wealth inequality

    Development of a dynamic framework to depict and compare the effects of wealth policy instruments in the short, medium, and long term. Among the examined instruments are a general wealth tax, a social inheritance, and a social dividend.

    Completed Project| Macroeconomics, Forecasting and Economic Policy
11 results, from 1