SOEP Research: Migration and Integration

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17 results, from 1
  • Research Project

    DECIPHE – Demographic Change and the Intergenerational Persistence in Homeownership in Europe

    DECIPHE is the first project to comprehensively study whether and how profound demographic changes in Europe impact the intergenerational persistence of homeownership, considering variations across countries, regions, and birth cohorts. It adopts a life course framework on housing tenure, in which individuals’ homeownership is shaped by their household members’ preferences and resources and...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Press Release

    Ukrainian refugees: Nearly half intend to stay in Germany in the longer term

    Second survey wave of around 7,000 Ukrainians on their life situations and progress in social participation For the second time, Ukrainians who fled because of the Russian war of aggression were interviewed about their life in Germany. Key results are: At the beginning of 2023, almost half of the respondents intend to stay in Germany in the longer term. The number of people in employment has increased ...

  • Research Project

    Longitudinal Aspects of the Interaction between Health and Integration of Refugees in Germany (LARGE)

    The project “Longitudinal Aspects of the Interaction between Health and Integration of Refugees in Germany” (LARGE) is developing a set of indicators of refugees’ physical and mental health based on data from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees. Researchers in the project are also studying what role these indicators play over time in refugees’ integration into German society. LARGE is a...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Report

    New DFG project: SOEP researchers study the role of health in refugees’ integration

    How do refugees differ from other population groups with respect to health? And how are health inequalities between refugees and others related to living conditions and the health care system? These research questions will guide the project “Refugee Migration to Germany: A Magnifying Glass for Broader Public Health Challenges” (PH-LENS), which started work on October 1, 2019, for an initial ...

    24.09.2019| Monika Wimmer
  • Press Release

    A refugee’s personality is one of the factors which decides how successful integration is

    An increased willingness to take risks, reciprocating friendliness, and a conviction that they are in control of their own lives lead to refugees gaining a foothold in Germany faster.   Refugees who are more willing to take risks, who tend to reciprocate friendliness, and who are more strongly convinced than others are that they are in control of their lives integrate into society faster. This ...

  • Weekly Report

    Language Skills and Employment Rate of Refugees in Germany Improving with Time

    by Herbert Brücker, Johannes Croisier, Yuliya Kosyakova, Hannes Kröger, Giuseppe Pietrantuono, Nina Rother and Jürgen Schupp Asylum seekers migrating to Germany remains a hotly debated topic. The second wave of a longitudinal survey of refugees shows that their integration has progressed significantly, even though some refugees came to Germany in poor health and with little formal education. ...

    28.01.2019| Hannes Kröger, Jürgen Schupp
  • Report

    Report on the first InGRID-2 Summer School at DIW Berlin

    The 2018 summer school for early-stage researchers combined advanced research on the integration of refugees and migrants with training in the use of a clone of EU-SILC longitudinal data for Germany. The clone was created with the help of SOEP data and is especially valuable in the study of methodological issues in migration research. The different migration subsamples in the SOEP allow more detailed ...

    22.11.2018| Maria Metzing
  • Weekly Report

    Refugees in Germany with children still living abroad have lowest life satisfaction

    Family strongly influences personal well-being—especially in the case of refugees, whose family members often remain in their homeland. This report is the first to closely examine the well-being and family structures of refugees who came to Germany between January 2013 and January 2016. It uses data from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany. Among individuals aged between 18 and 49, ...

    17.10.2018| Ludovica Gambaro, Diana Schacht, C. Katharina Spieß
  • Research Project

    Affective and cultural dimensions of integration following forced migration and immigration (AFFIN)

    The project takes its starting point in the assumption that the diversity and cultural change resulting from immigration cannot be measured solely in terms of knowledge and skills, but are fundamentally connected with values, attitudes, and emotions on the part of both immigrants and local populations. Based on approaches from the research on integration and acculturation in the social sciences...

    Completed Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Economic Bulletin

    In 2016, around one-third of people in Germany donated for refugees and ten percent helped out on site—yet concerns are mounting

    The presence of refugees in Germany and the challenges their integration poses have preoccupied the public for the past two years. According to the latest data of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), many more people in Germany were concerned about migration and xenophobia last year than in 2013. The additional representative results of the Barometer of Public Opinion on Refugees in Germany in 2016 and ...

    28.04.2017| Philipp Eisnecker, Jannes Jacobsen, Jürgen Schupp
  • Interview

    "The higher educated, the more optimistic about the consequences of refugee immigration": eight questions for Philipp Eisnecker

    Mr. Eisnecker, have the population’s concerns about refugee migration grown or declined? We can conclusively say that in 2015 and 2016, the population was markedly more concerned about migration – and xenophobia as well. This statement is based on data from the Socio- Economic Panel (SOEP), a longitudinal survey, which has collected data on the population’s concerns on a range of ...

    28.04.2017| Philipp Eisnecker
  • Economic Bulletin

    Forced migration, arrival in Germany, and first steps toward integration

    A new representative survey of a total of 4,500 recently arrived refugees to Germany conducted by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ), and the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) has generated an entirely new database for analyzing forced migration and the ...

    07.12.2016| Jürgen Schupp
  • Research Project

    Mentoring of Refugees (MORE)

    The scientific study MORE is designed to deliver first results on the role of civic engagement in the short- and long-term integration of refugees in Germany. The intervention study is being carried out by the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) in partnership with the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). It is funded through the Leibniz...

    Completed Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Research Project

    IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany

    The Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), and the Research Centre on Migration, Integration, and Asylum of the Federal Office of Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ) are working together on a project to survey people seeking protection in Germany from political persecution and violent conflicts. The influx...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Research Project

    Refugee Families in Germany (Geflüchtete Familien in Deutschland, GeFam)

    Conception, Implementation, Preparation, Register Linkage, Analysis, and Data Provision/Distribution of a Representative Sample of Refugee Families (GeFam) The survey topics cover the refugees’ living situations; their schooling, higher education, and vocational training; and their current occupational situations and social participation. Participation in the survey is voluntary. The study...

    Completed Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Research Project

    Refugee Families in Germany (Geflüchtete Familien in Deutschland, GeFam 2)

    The application for the project “Conception, Implementation, Preparation, Register Linkage, Analysis, and Data Provision/Distribution of a Representative Sample of Refugee Families (GeFam)“ approved by the BMBF envisions that this sample be doubled by another 1,600 “anchor” respondents along with their families. The GeFam boost sample was designed to increase the number of individuals in the...

    Completed Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Research Project

    IAB-SOEP Migration Sample

    In cooperation with the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg, the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) has carried out the largest expansion in the number of respondents with a migration background in its 30-year history. Between May and November 2013, around 2,700 households were surveyed, each containing at least one person who had either immigrated to Germany since 1994 or whose parents...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
17 results, from 1