The workshop gives an overview of mitigation options, possible set of policy instruments, and how they influence decisions (engage, improve economics, support innovation etc.), outline for the analytic approach and discussion of the day.
Karsten Neuhoff (DIW Berlin)
Opening comments:
Aleksander Sniegocki (PDF, 0.74 MB) (WiseEuropa)
Balazs Felsmann (PDF, 0.94 MB) (REKK)
Carbon pricing with carbon leakage protection
Opening comments:
Karsten Neuhoff (PDF, 0.79 MB) (DIW Berlin)
The role of low-emission standards
Opening comments:
Timo Gerres (PDF, 0.97 MB) (IIT Comillas University)
Carbon Contracts for Differences for Stabilization of revenues to cover incremental costs and competitive low-carbon electricity
Opening comments:
Nils May (PDF, 436.47 KB)(DIW Berlin)
What emerges as a common vision on policy instruments? What can be concluded for inclusiveness and inter-company sharing of innovative and decarbonization efforts and responsibilities?
Topics: Climate policy , Resource markets