March 4, 2019

Climate Friendly Materials Platform

Climate Friendly Materials Roundtable on "Inclusive transformation of the European Materials Sector”


March 4, 2019


DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
Mohrenstraße 58
10117 Berlin


Karsten Neuhoff (DIW Berlin), Aleksander Sniegocki (WiseEuropa), Balazs Felsmann (REKK), (IIT Comillas University), Nils May (DIW Berlin), Karsten Neuhoff

The workshop gives an overview of mitigation options, possible set of policy instruments, and how they influence decisions (engage, improve economics, support innovation etc.), outline for the analytic approach and discussion of the day.


Karsten Neuhoff (DIW Berlin)

  • How important are strategic long-term policies to foster the transition of the European materials sector? What are the key insights from the EU long-term strategy (November 2018)?
  • How should the material sector transformation be reflected in Member States National Plans? How can Member States define priorities in their decarbonization strategies?
  • What are the consequences of current leader-follower dynamics for industrial decarbonization in the EU? Do we need more industrial innovation in South-Eastern Europe and how can this happen? What is the role of foreign-owned companies?

Opening comments:

Aleksander Sniegocki (PDF, 0.74 MB) (WiseEuropa)

Balazs Felsmann (PDF, 0.94 MB) (REKK)

Carbon pricing with carbon leakage protection

  • How to ensure protection from carbon leakage (regional vs EU average risk)?
  • What is the role for border tax adjustment vs inclusion of consumption?

Opening comments:

Karsten Neuhoff (PDF, 0.79 MB) (DIW Berlin)

The role of low-emission standards

  • To what extent should European legislation push for the introduction of low emission technologies of global scale (e.g. by means of required EU-ISO certification)?
  • How to address concerns about industrial competitiveness for standards?
  • Which steps are necessary to change recycling systems form a “shred-it-all-mix-and-separate-it” approach towards a product design allowing for the clean separation of basic materials?

Opening comments:

Timo Gerres (PDF, 0.97 MB) (IIT Comillas University)

Carbon Contracts for Differences for Stabilization of revenues to cover incremental costs and competitive low-carbon electricity

  • How to address regulatory uncertainty and risk during a transition process?
  • How to ensure sufficient revenue streams to incentivize investments in low-carbon technologies?
  • How to ensure cost-competitive supply of large volumes of low-carbon electricity required to decarbonise European industry?

Opening comments:

Nils May (PDF, 436.47 KB)(DIW Berlin)

What emerges as a common vision on policy instruments? What can be concluded for inclusiveness and inter-company sharing of innovative and decarbonization efforts and responsibilities?

  • How can European regulatory framework support early action on national level and vice versa?
    • State Aid review
    • ETS review
    • Renewables Directive & National action plans
    • EU 2030 governance & reporting


