Climate Policy Department Publications

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472 results, from 421
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Is the German Retail Gasoline Market Competitive? A Spatial-Temporal Analysis Using Quantile Regression

    We explore whether noncompetitive pricing prevails in Germany’s retail gasoline market by examining the influence of the crude oil price on the retail gasoline price, focusing specifically on how this influence varies according to the brand and to the degree of competition in the vicinity of the station. Our analysis identifies several factors other than cost—including the absence of nearby competitors ...

    In: Land Economics 92 (2016), 4, S. 718-736 | Alex Kihm, Nolan Ritter, Colin Vance
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Power Markets with Renewables: New Perspectives for the European Target Model

    We discuss at the European example how power market design evolves with increasing shares of intermittent renewables. Short-term markets and system operation have to accommodate for the different needs of renewable and conventional generation assets and flexibility options. This can be achieved by pooling resources over larger geographic areas through common auction platforms, realizing the full flexibility ...

    In: The Energy Journal 37 (2016), SI2, S. 23-38 | Karsten Neuhoff, Sophia Wolter, Sebastian Schwenen
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Estimating Alternative Technology Sets in Nonparametric Efficiency Analysis: Restriction Tests for Panel and Clustered Data

    Nonparametric efficiency analysis has become a widely applied technique to support industrial benchmarking as well as a variety of incentive-based regulation policies. In practice such exercises are often plagued by incomplete knowledge about the correct specifications of inputs and outputs. Simar and Wilson (Commun Stat Simul Comput 30(1):159–184, 2001) and Schubert and Simar (J Prod Anal 36(1):55–69, ...

    In: Journal of Productivity Analysis 45 (2016), 1, S. 35-51 | Anne Neumann, Maria Nieswand, Torben Schubert
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    FTR Allocations to Ease Transition to Nodal Pricing: An Application to the German Power System

    A shift from zonal to nodal pricing improves the efficiency of system operation. However, resulting price changes also shift surplus across generation and loads at different locations. As individual actors can lose, they might oppose any reform. We explore how allocation of financial transmission rights can be used to mitigate the distributional impact. The fundamental effects with regard to reference ...

    In: Energy Economics 60 (2016), S. 176-185 | Friedrich Kunz, Karsten Neuhoff, Juan Rosellón
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Effectiveness of a Strategic Reserve in the Presence of a High Portfolio Share of Renewable Energy Sources

    To ensure sufficient investment in electricity generation capacity, mechanisms such as strategic reserves are being considered or already implemented. We analyze the effectiveness of a strategic reserve in the presence of a growing portfolio share of renewable energy sources (RES) with EMLab-Generation, an agent-based electricity market model. A strategic reserve can stabilize investment, but within ...

    In: Utilities Policy 39 (2016), S. 13-28 | Pradyumna C. Bhagwar, Jörn Richstein, Emile J. L. Chappin, Laurens J. de Vries
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Short-Run Fuel Price Responses: At the Pump and on the Road

    We provide evidence that motorists respond to short-run fluctuations in fuel prices at the gas pump and not on the road. Employing variants of censored panel regression to control for censoring of the dependent variable, we find that the fuel price has a negative impact on the quantity of fuel purchased, but no consistently significant impact on the subsequent distance driven until the next refill. ...

    In: Energy Economics 58 (2016), S. 67-76 | Nolan Ritter, Christoph M. Schmidt, Colin Vance
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Economics of the EU ETS Market Stability Reserve: Introduction

    In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 80 (2016), S. 1-5 | Cameron Hepburn, Karsten Neuhoff, William Acworth, Dallas Burtraw, Frank Jotzo
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    A Coordinated Strategic Reserve to Safeguard the European Energy Transition

    In Germany and beyond, various capacity mechanisms are currently being discussed with a view to improving the security of electricity supply. One of these mechanisms is a strategic reserve that retains generation capacity for use in times of critical supply shortage. We argue that strategic reserves have specific advantages compared to other capacity mechanisms in the context of the European energy ...

    In: Utilities Policy 41 (2016), S. 252-263 | Karsten Neuhoff, Jochen Diekmann, Friedrich Kunz, Sophia Rüster, Wolf-Peter Schill, Sebastian Schwenen
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Stationary Changes in Long-Run Energy Commodity Prices

    Situated at the intersection of the literatures on speculative storage and non-renewable commodity scarcity, this paper considers whether changes in persistence have occurred in long-run U.S. prices of the energy commodities crude oil, natural gas and bituminous coal. We allow for a structural break when testing for a break in persistence to avoid a change in the stochastic properties of prices being ...

    In: Energy Economics 59 (2016), S. 96-103 | Aleksandar Zaklan, Jan Abrell, Anne Neumann
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Strategic Bidding in Multi-unit Auctions with Capacity Constrained Bidders: The New York Capacity Market

    This article employs a simple model to describe bidding behavior in multi-unit uniform price procurement auctions when firms are capacity constrained. Using data from the New York City procurement auctions for power generating capacity, I find that firms use simple bidding strategies to coordinate on an equilibrium that extracts high rents for all bidders. I show theoretically and empirically that ...

    In: Rand Journal of Economics 46 (2015), 4, S. 730-750 | Sebastian Schwenen
472 results, from 421