Photovoltaic (PV) technologies have demonstrated significant price reductions, but large-scale global application of PV requires further technology improvements and cost reductions along the value chain. We survey policies in Germany and China and the industrial actors they can encourage to pursue innovation, including deployment support, investment support for manufacturing plants and R&D support ...
Environmentally-motivated taxes on energy products can effectively induce households and firms to take into account the environmental externalities of energy transformation and use. The levy of such taxes is, however, often hampered by public concerns over possible distributional effects. This paper analyses the macroeconomic relationship between taxes on energy products and income inequality. It also ...
Zum Schutz des Klimas ergreift die Politik in Deutschland und Europa eine Vielzahl an Maßnahmen. So wird der europäische Emissionshandel durch zahlreiche Maßnahmen zur Innovations- und Investitionsförderung ergänzt, aber auch durch Informationsbereitstellung und Regulierungsmaßnahmen zur Nutzung neuer Technologien. Dieser Politikmix wirft die Frage auf, welche Politikinstrumente benötigt werden und ...
As current policy frameworks are expiring soon, the EU is revisiting its energy technology policy for the post-2020 horizon. The main long-run objective for energy technology policy is to foster the achievement of ambitious EU goals for decarbonisation. We discuss how European energy technology policy towards 2050 can be effective despite: 1) uncertain carbon prices; 2) uncertain technological change; ...
The discussion of the support for renewable energy must consider the distributional impact of cost allocation. The public is sensitive to social imbalances caused by rising power prices that might jeopardize the acceptance of energy transformation. By the end of 2012 about 19 percent of German power is produced with renewables other than hydropower. As a result, German consumers will pay for global ...
Climate policy aims to reduce emissions by redirecting investment from emission-intensive toward carbon-neutral assets. One key instrument, carbon pricing, guides investors and asset managers by lowering the return of fossil fuel-related assets. This chapter reviews three key mechanisms on how sustainable finance can support climate policy: first, providing investors with the necessary information ...