Das Wachstum der Produktivität in allen entwickelten Volkswirtschaften verlangsamt sich seit geraumer Zeit. Zugleich gibt es nach Analysen der OECD jedoch das Phänomen, dass es innerhalb der gewerblichen Wirtschaft eine kleine Gruppe hochproduktiver Unternehmen gibt, die weiterhin überdurchschnittliche Produktivitätszuwächse verzeichnen. In der öffentlichen Debatte und in Teilen des wissenschaftlichen ...
In Deutschland bestehen gro.e regionale Unterschiede in der wirtschaftlichen Leistungsfahigkeit. Diese Unterschiede werden zwar durch eine Reihe von Umverteilungsma.nahmen reduziert, bestimmen aber wesentlich das Wohlstandspotential in den verschiedenen Regionen Deutschlands. Zentraler Indikator der wirtschaftlichen Leistungsfahigkeit ist die Produktivitat. Die vorliegende Untersuchung weist in der ...
A rich literature links knowledge inputs with innovative outputs. However, most of what is known is restricted to manufacturing. This paper analyzes whether the three aspects involving innovative activity - R&D; innovative output; and productivity - hold for knowledge intensive services. Combining the models of Crepon et al. (1998) and of Ackerberg et al. (2015), allows for causal interpretation of ...
The human personality predicts a wide range of activities and occupational choices—from musical sophistication to entrepreneurial careers. However, which method should be applied if information on personality traits is used for prediction and advice? In psychological research, group profiles are widely employed. In this contribution, we examine the performance of profiles using the example of career ...
Maintaining high social and environmental standards may be costly in the short term, but these high standards are also key drivers for productivity, growth and sustained long-term technological development. Germany’s general approach is actively shaping the social and ecological character of its economy through appropriate regulation, promoting private initiative and innovation and supporting development ...
High-growth firms (HGFs) are important for job creation and productivity growth. We investigate the relationship between product and labour market regulations, as well as the quality of regional governments that implement these regulations, and the development of HGFs across European regions. Using data from Eurostat, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Economic ...
In this perspective paper we discuss major trends that will shape the internationalisation of business R&D in the future. New scientific discoveries will provide new opportunities to innovate; the growing scientific capabilities in emerging economies will create new hot spots for relevant knowledge; new research activities will emerge from the need to combat climate change; digital technologies including ...
Financing entrepreneurship spurs innovation and economic growth. Digital financial platforms that crowdfund equity for entrepreneurs have emerged globally, yet they remain poorly understood. We model equity crowdfunding in terms of the relationship between the number of investors and the amount of money raised per pitch. We examine heterogeneity in the average amount raised per pitch that is associated ...