Liang Ma, Daniel Hörcher, Heike Link, Dennis Gaus, Daniel Graham
Leeds, Großbritannien,
- 28.06.2024| 2024 Annual Conference and ITEA Annual School on Transportation Economics
Heike Link, Maria Fernanda Guajardo Ortega, Dennis Gaus, Neil Murray
Santander, Spanien,
- 16.06.2023| 2023 Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA)
Dennis Gaus
Pécs, Ungarn [Hybrid],
- 26.08.2022| Disparities in a Digitalising (Post-Covid) World – Networks, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: 66th ERSA Congress
Dennis Gaus
Toulouse, Frankreich,
- 17.06.2022| 2022 Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA)