Berlin Applied Micro Seminar (BAMS)
17.04.2023| Judit Vall (University of Barcelona)
Research Project
It is the aim of the project to analyze the labor market consequences of informal care provision. For the identification we follow the literature on childcare penalties (see Kleven et al. 2019) to quantify the short- and long-run career costs of childcare. Rellstab et al. (2020) for the Netherlands and Halla et al. (2021) for Austria have applied this framework to estimate the career effects for...
Current Project| Public Economics
Diskussionspapiere 2059 / 2023
In contemporary households, women often shoulder most organisation and caregiving responsibilities leading them to play a crucial role in family dynamics. While previous research has established that public early childcare affects child outcomes and maternal employment, less attention has been given to its effects on maternal health despite its relevance within the household. This study investigates ...
2023| Mara Barschkett, Laia Bosque-Mercader
Externe Monographien
The topic of this thesis is the heterogeneity in labor market outcomes over the life cycle and across gender. The thesis comprises three independent research papers (Chapters 2-4), which focus on complementary aspects of the overreaching research question: how do employment choices determine earnings, and what role does the gender component play? Chapter 1 introduces the topic of wage and gender gaps ...
Humboldt-Universität Berlin,
XVIII, 170 S.
| Boryana Antonova Ilieva
Weitere externe Aufsätze
The study of poverty is at the heart of economics, and the goal of overcoming it drives the efforts of policy-makers worldwide. Meeting such goals requires confidence (a) in the tools we have to measure poverty, and (b) in our understanding of the determinants of poverty. Here, we focus on the role of household composition in the measurement and analysis of poverty. After presenting some core concepts, ...
Jacques Silber (Ed.) ,
Research Handbook on Measuring Poverty and Deprivation
Cheltenham : Elgar
S. 39-49
Elgar Handbooks in Development
| Christos Koulovatianos, Carsten Schröder
Diskussionspapiere 2055 / 2023
This paper focuses on decentralized energy in Germany and how households’ environmental behavior in terms of energy consumption is shaped in these contexts. It sets out to gain a more precise understanding of whether decentralized energy initiatives are a good tool to promote the adoption of renewable energies and engagement in other sustainable behaviors to mitigate global warming. This study would ...
2023| Alessandro De Palma, Marco Faillo, Roberto Gabriele
Externe Monographien
Diese Dissertation besteht aus fünf unabhängigen Kapiteln, die einen Beitrag zur Literatur im Bereich der Gesundheits- und Familienökonomie leisten. Das Hauptthema ist die Frage, wie sich sozial- und familienpolitische Maßnahmen auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden von verschiedenen Generationen - Kindern, Eltern und Großeltern - auswirken.Kapitel 2 analysiert den kausalen Effekt einer Anhebung ...
Freie Universität Berlin,
XXV, 320 S.
| Mara Barschkett
Refereed essays Web of Science
In this study, we argue that parents' class position may influence the type and timing of their offspring's investments in financial assets. These investments may facilitate net worth accumulation beyond direct transfers, contributing to the intergenerational reproduction of social positions. We test these expectations using retrospective life history and prospective panel data for 14 countries from ...
Acta Sociologica
im Ersch. (2023), [online first: 2022-11-11]
| Philipp M. Lersch, Olaf Groh-Samberg
Refereed essays Web of Science
Paid parental leave schemes have been shown to increase women’s employment rates but to decrease their wages in case of extended leave duration. In view of these potential trade-offs, many countries are discussing the optimal design of parental leave policies. We analyze the impact of a major parental leave reform on mothers’ long-term earnings. The 2007 German parental leave reform replaced a means-tested ...
Labour Economics
80 (2023), 102296, 13 S.
| Corinna Frodermann, Katharina Wrohlich, Aline Zucco
SOEPpapers 1191 / 2023
How does personality change when people get older? Numerous studies have investigated this question, overall supporting the idea of so-called personality maturation. However, heterogeneous findings have left open questions, such as whether maturation continues in old age and how large the effects are. We suggest that the heterogeneity is partly rooted in methodological issues. First, studies may have ...
2023| Ingo S. Seifert, Julia M. Rohrer, Stefan C. Schmukle