Topic Gender

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671 results, from 611
  • Externe Monographien

    Ganztagsschulen und Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern: eine Mikrosimulationsstudie für Deutschland

    Mannheim: Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH, 2005, 29 S.
    (Discussion Paper / Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung ; 05-93)
    | Miriam Beblo, Charlotte Lauer, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Weekly Report 27 / 2005

    Management Staff by International Comparison: Most of the Women on Supervisory Boards in Germany are Works Council Representatives

    In June 2004 only about one tenth of all the seats on the boards of the 200 biggest companies worldwide were held by women. In 22 of these companies women held at least 25% of the seats on the board. Three of the companies were German. Here the percentage is made up entirely of women who represent the workforce. In 72 of the 100 biggest companies in Germany at least one member of the supervisory board ...

    2005| Elke Holst
  • Weekly Report 4 / 2005

    Women Managers: Enormous Deficit in Large Companies and Employer's Associations

    Across Europe, there are much fewer women than men employed in executive positions. On European average, only 10% of the members of the highest decision-making bodies in the top 50 publicly quoted companies are women. However, the situation varies substantially from country to country. The European countries with the highest shares of women managers are Slovenia and Latvia, at 22% each, while the country ...

    2005| Elke Holst
  • Diskussionspapiere 537 / 2005

    Gender-Job Satisfaction Differences across Europe: An Indicator for Labor Market Modernization

    In 14 member states of the European Union, women's relative to men's levels of job satisfaction are compared by using data of the European Household Community Panel. The countries under consideration can be assigned to three different groups. Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands do not show significant gender-job satisfaction differences. In contrast, in Portugal men are more satisfied with their jobs ...

    2005| Lutz C. Kaiser
  • Diskussionspapiere 544 / 2005

    Economic Relations between Women and Their Partners: An East-West-German Comparison after Reunification

    A comparison of women's and men's economic relations in the former East and West Germany (in this paper henceforth referred to as East and West Germany) in the years following reunification in 1990 is used to exemplify the differential impact of varying opportunity structures on the extent of and change in women's relative contribution to family income. East Germany represents a special case among ...

    2005| Heike Trappe, Annemette Sørensen
  • Externe Monographien

    Changing Life Patterns in Western Industrial Societies

    Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, 2004, XX, 336 S.
    (Advances in Life Course Research ; 8)
    | Janet Zollinger Giele, Elke Holst (Eds.)
  • Diskussionspapiere 412 / 2004

    Child Care Costs and Mothers' Labor Supply: An Empirical Analysis for Germany

    This study analyzes the effect of child care costs on the labor supply of mothers with preschool children in Germany using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (2002). Child care costs are estimated on the basis of a sample selection model. A structural household utility model, which is embedded in a detailed tax-benefit model, is used for labor supply estimation. In contrast to a previous German ...

    2004| Katharina Wrohlich
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    New Life Patterns and Changing Gender Roles

    In: Janet Zollinger Giele, Elke Holst (Eds.) , Changing Life Patterns in Western Industrial Societies
    Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier
    S. 3-22
    Advances in Life Course Research ; 8
    | Janet Zollinger Giele, Elke Holst
  • DIW@school 2 / 2004

    German and American Women: Are They Really That Different?

    2004| Molly Jacobs
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Family Effects on Employment

    In: Richard Berthoud, Maria Iacovou (Eds.) , Social Europe
    Cheltenham [u.a.] : Edward Elgar
    S. 69-98
    | C. Katharina Spiess, Maria Iacovou, Karen L. Robson, Wilfred Uunk
671 results, from 611