SOEP Brown Bag Seminar
joint with Alexander Schmidt-Catran, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
This study analyses the impact of a high-profile crime event on perceived public safety. At the 2015 New Year's Eve celebrations in Cologne (NYE), Germany, refugees allegedly committed thousands of crimes, ranging from theft to sexual assault. The widespread media coverage of these incidents has made a shift in the publics’...
14.06.2023| Martin Lange, ZEW – Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung
Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen
*************POSTPONED*****************To promote integration, the German government enacted the Residential Obligation Act (Wohnsitzauflage) in 2016, which obliges refugees to maintain their residence in the states to which they have been assigned for a period of three years from the time they are granted asylum or temporary residence. Studies addressing this policy have found controversial...
04.01.2023| Aslıhan Yurdakul (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), Yuliya Kosyakova (Institute for Employment Research - IAB), Adriana Cardozo Silva
Refereed essays Web of Science
In recent years, Costa Rica has experienced greater international migration from neighboring countries due to political, economic, and social reasons, raising discussions on the impact of migration on wages of native Costa Rican workers. This article is the first that disentangles the impact of migration on wages for native Costa Ricans from the impact for settled immigrants by analyzing the effect ...
Migration Studies
11 (2023), 1, S. 23–51
| Adriana Cardozo Silva, Luis R. Díaz Pavez, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
Other refereed essays
Asylum seekers and refugees (ASR) in Germany are dispersed quasi-randomly to state provided,collective accommodation centres. We aimed to analyse contextual effects of post-migration housing environment on their mental health. We drew a balanced random sample of 54 from 1 938 accommodation centres with 70 634 ASR in Germany’s 3rd largest federal state. Individual-level data on depression and anxiety ...
PLoS Global Public Health
3 (2023), 12, e0001755, 17 S.
| Amir Mohsenpour, Louise Biddle, Kayvan Bozorgmehr
Refereed essays Web of Science
We study the effect of local unemployment and attitudes towards immigrants at the time of arrival on refugees’ multi-dimensional integration outcomes. We leverage a centralized allocation policy in Germany where refugees were centrally assigned to live in specific counties. To measure sentiments of native residents towards immigrants, we use geo-coded Twitter data, which provides our “negative sentiment ...
Journal of Urban Economics
137 (2023), 103588, 15 S.
| Cevat Giray Aksoy, Panu Poutvaara, Felicitas Schikora
Refereed essays Web of Science
Summary : Background Migration health research pays little attention to the places into which people migrate. Studies on health effects of contextual factors are often limited because of the ability of individuals to self-select their environment, but natural experiments may allow for the causal effect of contexts to be examined. The objective was to synthesise the evidence on contextual health effects ...
64 (2023), 102206, 26 S.
| Louise Biddle, Maren Hintermeier, Diogo Costa, Zahia Wasko, Kayvan Bozorgmehr
Refereed essays Web of Science
International migration of couples is rising. Still, there is little evidence on men’s and women’s domestic work hours before and after migration. This is despite the fact that domestic work provides deep insights into family life and, for migrants, is directly linked to integration. Therefore, this study examines how immigrant men and women change their domestic work hours following migration, using ...
Journal of Family Issues
44 (2023), 4, S. 954–976
| Magdalena Krieger, Zerrin Salikutluk
Refereed essays Web of Science
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, many people have fled the war and left their home country. By the end of January 2023, more than one million Ukrainian refugees had been registered in Germany alone. In contrast to refugees from other countries of origin in Germany, Ukrainian citizens can choose their place of residence if they have either found private accommodation ...
Comparative Population Studies
48 (2023), S. 261-280
| Lenore Sauer, Andreas Ette, Hans Walter Steinhauer, Manuel Siegert, Kerstin Tanis
Refereed essays Web of Science
This study describes the first wave of the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey on Ukrainian Refugees in Germany, a unique panel dataset based on over 11,000 interviews conducted between August and October 2022. The aim of the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey is to provide a data-infrastructure for theory-driven and evidence-based research on various aspects of integration among Ukrainian refugees in Germany, ...
Comparative Population Studies
48 (2023), S. 395-424
| Herbert Brücker, Andreas Ette, Markus M. Grabka, Yuliya Kosyakova, Wenke Niehues, Nina Rother, C. Katharina Spieß, Sabine Zinn, Martin Bujard, Adriana Cardozo Silva, Jean Philippe Décieux, Amrei Maddox, Nadja Milewski, Lenore Sauer, Sophia Schmitz, Silvia Schwanhäuser, Manuel Siegert, Hans Walter Steinhauer, Kerstin Tanis