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Topic Migration

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504 results, from 451
  • Externe Monographien

    European Labour Mobility: Challenges and Potentials

    Bonn: IZA, 2004, 32 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 1410)
    | Klaus F. Zimmermann
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Immigrants in the UK and in West Germany: Relative Income Positions, Income Portfolio, and Redistribution Effects

    Based on data from the BHPS and the SOEP, we analyse the economic performance of various ethnic groups in the UK and West Germany, as well as the effects of income redistribution on these populations. Taking the indigenous population of each country as the reference category, we find that, as a whole, the non-indigenous population in the UK fares much better than the immigrant population in Germany. ...

    In: Journal of Population Economics 17 (2004), 3, S. 553-581 | Felix Büchel, Joachim R. Frick
  • Diskussionspapiere 422 / 2004

    Are Migrants More Skilled than Non-Migrants? Repeat, Return and Same-Employer Migrants

    I examine the determinants of inter-state migration of adults within western Germany, using the German Socio-Economic Panel from 1984 - 2000. I highlight the prevalence and distinctive characteristics of migrants who do not change employers. Same-employer migrants represent 25 % of all migrants, and have higher education and pre-move wages than non-migrants. Conditional on age, same-employer migrants ...

    2004| Jennifer Hunt
  • Diskussionspapiere 455 / 2004

    Self-Employment Dynamics across the Business Cycle: Migrants versus Natives

    Economically active people are either in gainful employment, are unemployed or self-employed. We are interested in the dynamics of the transitions between these states across the business cycle. It is generally perceived that employment or self-employment are absorbing states. However, innovations, structural changes and business cycles generate strong adjustment processes that lead to fluctuations ...

    2004| Amelie Constant, Klaus F. Zimmermann
  • Diskussionspapiere 460 / 2004

    European Labour Mobility: Challenges and Potentials

    European Union economies are pressed by (i) a demographic change that induces population ageing and a decline of the workforce, and (ii) a split labour market that is characterized by high levels of unemployment for low -skilled people and a simultaneous shortage of skilled workers. This lack of flexible high-skilled workers and the aging process has created the image of an immobile labour force and ...

    2004| Klaus F. Zimmermann
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Separate Spaces, Separate Outcomes? Neighbourhood Impacts on Minorities in Germany

    In both the German and US literature on ethnic neighbourhoods, there is considerable debate as to whether living amongst co-ethnics hinders or furthers the integration process for immigrants. Using the detailed data on immigrant integration in the German Socio-economic Panel in combination with zip-code-level data on minority concentration and neighbourhood income levels, the research tests the extent ...

    In: Urban Studies 41 (2004), 8, S. 1423-1439 | Anita I. Drever
  • Externe Monographien

    Migrants, Work, and the Welfare State

    Odense: Univ. Pr. of Southern Denmark, 2004, 434 S. | Torben Tranaes, Klaus F. Zimmermann (Eds.)
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    International Migration to Germany: Estimation of a Time-Series Model and Inference in Panel Cointegration

    In: R. Scott Hacker, Börje Johansson, Charlie Karlsson (Eds.) , Emerging Market Economies and European Economic Integration
    Cheltenham [u.a.] : Edward Elgar
    S. 119-133
    | Herbert Brücker, Boriss Siliverstovs, Parvati Trübswetter
  • Externe Monographien

    What Makes an Entrepreneur and Does It Pay? Native Men, Turks and Other Migrants in Germany

    London: CEPR, 2004, 33 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Centre for Economic Policy Research ; 4207)
    | Amelie Constant, Yochanan Shachmurove, Klaus F. Zimmermann
  • Externe Monographien

    The Making of Entrepreneurs in Germany: Are Native Men and Immigrants Alike?

    Bonn: IZA, 2004, 37 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 1440)
    | Amelie Constant, Klaus F. Zimmermann
504 results, from 451