Refereed essays Web of Science
Im Rahmen einer Längsschnittanalyse des sozio-oekonomischen Panels gehen wir der Frage nach, wie sich Diskriminierungswahrnehmungen von Einwanderern und ihren Nachkommen im Laufe des Integrationsprozesses verändern. Insgesamt betrachtet fühlen sich Migrantinnen und Migranten, deren Integration weiter fortgeschritten ist, seltener aufgrund ihrer Herkunft benachteiligt. Allerdings zeigen gruppenspezifische ...
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
73 (2021), 1, S.1–24
| Claudia Diehl, Elisabeth Liebau, Peter Mühlau
Refereed essays Web of Science
Panel data has become the gold standard for causal assessments of complex human behaviour in quantitative social science. The objective of this review is to examine and discuss how panel data and related methods contribute to the identification of causal relationships in spatial mobility research. We illustrate this by providing a succinct overview of recent progress in spatial mobility research, drawing ...
Comparative Population Studies
46 (2021), S. 187-214
| Sergi Vidal, Philipp M. Lersch
Other refereed essays
This study introduces and investigates the validity of a brief scale measuring a challenged sense of belonging. The sense of belonging as well as challenges to this sense are important, albeit neglected aspects of social integration and of significance to migration and refugee studies as well as to virtually all other social science contexts. Assessing a challenged or eroded sense of belonging provides ...
Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences
3 (2021), 3, 16 S.
| Lukas M. Fuchs, Jannes Jacobsen, Lena Walther, Eric Hahn, Thi Minh Tam Ta, Malek Bajbouj, Christian von Scheve
Refereed essays Web of Science
Panel attrition poses major threats to the survey quality of panel studies. Many features have been introduced to keep panel attrition as low as possible. Based on a random sample of refugees, a highly mobile population, we investigate whether using a mobile phone application improves address quality and response behavior. Various features, including geo-tracking, collecting email addresses and adress ...
Social Science Computer Review
39 (2021), 4, S. 721-743
| Jannes Jacobsen, Simon Kühne
Externe Monographien
Freie Universität Berlin,
XXX, 249 S.
| Felicitas Schikora
SOEPpapers 1130 / 2021
Against a background of increasing violence against non-natives, we estimate the effect of hate crime on refugees’ mental health in Germany. For this purpose, we combine two datasets: administrative records on xenophobic crime against refugee shelters by the Federal Criminal Office and the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees. We apply a regression discontinuity design in time to estimate the effect of ...
2021| Daniel Graeber, Felicitas Schikora
Weitere externe Aufsätze
Marcel Erlinghagen, Andreas Ette, Norbert F. Schneider, Nils Witte (Eds.) ,
The Global Lives of German Migrants : Consequences of International Migration Across the Life Course
Cham : Springer
S. 85-100
IMISCOE Research Series
| Christiane Lübke, Jean P. Décieux, Marcel Erlinghagen, Gert G. Wagner
Refereed essays Web of Science
Involuntarily or planned – many refugees flee their home country alone, leave behind spouses and children but also siblings, parents and other family members they otherwise care for. Reunification in hosting communities is difficult, as governments limit institutional family reunifications and the individual journey of kin is dangerous and often illegal. Having family abroad is mentally distressing ...
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
47 (2021) 13, S. 2916–2937
| Lea-Maria Löbel, Jannes Jacobsen
Refereed essays Web of Science
This article highlights the potentials for migration research using the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), a longitudinal panel dataset of private households in Germany running since 1984. We provide a concise overview of its basic features, describe the survey contents and research potentials, and demonstrate opportunities to link external data sources to the SOEP thereby presenting its diverse ...
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
241 (2021), 4, S. 527–549
| Jannes Jacobsen, Magdalena Krieger, Felicitas Schikora, Jürgen Schupp
DIW Weekly Report 12 / 2021
Many people are suffering from the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Refugees, however, belong to one of the underpriviliged groups in many areas of society. They are more likely than average to live in overcrowded living quarters such as community housing and are thus exposed to a higher risk of infection. At the same time, even before the pandemic, they were more likely than average to experience ...
2021| Theresa Entringer, Jannes Jacobsen, Hannes Kröger, Maria Metzing