Many validation studies deal with item nonresponse and measurement error in earnings data. In this article, the author explores respondents' motives for failing to revealearnings using the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). The SOEP collects socioeconomic information from private households in the Federal Republic of Germany.The author explains the evolution of income nonresponse in the SOEP and demonstrates ...
In this paper R 2-type measures of the explanatory power of multivariate linear and categorical probit models proposed in the literature are reviewed and their deficiencies discussed. It is argued that a measure of the explanatory power should take into account the components which are explicitly modelled when a regression model is estimated while it should be indifferent to components not explicitly ...
East German wages have been below the West German wage level since unification. Moreover, the East-West wage gap implied by the contractual wages specified in collective wage agreements is drifting ever further apart from the wagegap in terms of effective wages. This paper looks at the role of establishment-specific factors - such as sectoral affiliation and size of the labour force - in this process. ...
This paper presents two new tools for the identification of faking interviewers in surveys. One method is based on Benford's Law, and the other exploits the empirical observation that fakers most often produce answers with less variability than could be expected from the whole survey. We focus on fabricated data, which were taken out of the survey before the data were disseminated in the German Socio-Economic ...