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Topic Survey Methodology and Data-Science

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  • Externe Monographien

    Measures of the Explanatory Power of General Multivariate Probit Models

    Colchester [u.a.]: EPAG, 2002, 29 S.
    (EPAG Working Papers ; 33)
    | Martin Spieß, Gerhard Tutz
  • Externe Monographien

    Introduction to GEMPACK for GAMS Users

    Clayton, Vic.: Centre of Policy Studies and the Impact Project, 2002, 39 S.
    (CoPS/IMPACT Working Paper ; IP-79)
    | Michael Kohlhaas, Ken Pearson
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Design Characteristics of National Travel Surveys: International Comparison for Ten Countries

    In Germany a national travel survey (NTS) was planned for 2002 and was preceded by a pilot study in 2001. As part of this pilot study the state of the practice for NTS in several countries was examined through contact with relevant institutions and persons via the Internet. A structured questionnaire was used for these consultations. The participants in nine countries provided the relevant information ...

    In: Transportation Research Record (2002), 1804, S. 107-116 | Uwe Kunert, Jutta Kloas, Hartmut Kuhfeld
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Jurisdiction Size, Political Participation, and the Allocation of Resources

    This paper analyzes the effect of population size on politicalparticipation and allocative efficiency. Increasing populationis generally found to reduce political participation. However,since participation is not evenly spread throughout thepopulation, this will have consequences for allocation.Namely, we argue that increasing population size shifts powerto the rich. We discuss the consequences for ...

    In: Public Choice 113 (2002), 3-4, S. 251-263 | Rainald Borck
  • Diskussionspapiere 312 / 2002

    Structural Unemployment and the Output Gap in Germany: Evidence from an SVAR Analysis within a Hysteresis Framework

    The German unemployment rate shows strong signs if non-stationarity over the course of the previous decades. This is in line with an insider-outsider model under full hysteresis. We applied a "theory-guided view" to the data using the structural VAR model as developed by Balmaseda, Dolado and López-Salido (2000) allowing for full hysteresis on the labour market. Our identification of the model implies ...

    2002| Ulrich Fritsche, Camille Logeay
  • Diskussionspapiere 319 / 2002

    A Nation-Wide Laboratory: Examining Trust and Trustworthiness by Integrating Behavioral Experiments into Representative Surveys

    Typically, laboratory experiments suffer from homogeneous subject pools and selfselection biases. The usefulness of survey data is limited by measurement error and by the questionability of their behavioral relevance. Here we present a method integrating interactive experiments and representative surveys thereby overcoming crucial weaknesses of both approaches. One of the major advantages of our approach ...

    2002| Ernst Fehr, Urs Fischbacher, Bernhard von Rosenbladt, Jürgen Schupp, Gert G. Wagner
  • Diskussionspapiere 298 / 2002

    Strategic Path Reliability in Information Networks

    We consider a model of an information network where nodes can fail and transmission of information is costly. The formation of paths in such networks is modeled as the Nash equilibrium of an N player routing game. The task of obtaining this equilibrium is shown to be NP-Hard. We derive analytical results to identify conditions under which the equilibrium path is congruent to well known paths such as ...

    2002| Rajgopal Kannan, Sudipta Sarangi, S. S. Iyengar
  • Diskussionspapiere 299 / 2002

    Respondent Behavior in Panel Studies: A Case Study for Income-Nonresponse by Means of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP)

    Many validation studies deal with item-nonresponse and measurement error in earnings data. In this paper we explore motives of respondents for the failure to reveal earnings using the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). GSOEP collects socio-economic information of private households in the Federal Republic of Germany. We explain the evolution of income-nonresponse in the GSOEP and demonstrate the ...

    2002| Jörg-Peter Schräpler
  • Diskussionspapiere 300 / 2002

    A Schumpeter-Inspired Approach to the Construction of R&D Capital Stocks

    A new method for constructing R&D capital stocks is proposed. Following Schumpeter, the development of R&D capital stocks is modelled as a process of creative destruction. Newly generated knowledge is assumed not only to add to the existing R&D capital stocks but also, by displacing old knowledge, to destroy part of that capital. This is in stark contrast to the perpetual inventory method, which postulates ...

    2002| Jürgen Bitzer, Andreas Stephan
  • Diskussionspapiere 301 / 2002

    Does the Behaviour of Myopic Addicts Support the Rational Addiction model? A Simulation

    Becker and Murphy (1988) constructed, in a well-known paper, a model of rational addiction in which people solve a dynamic optimization problem, choose an optimal timepath of drug consumption and thereby maximize lifetime utility. The model leads to the hypothesis that future consumption is a significant explanatory variable for present consumption. This paper briefly surveys the empirical studies ...

    2002| Björn Frank