Topic Retirement and Pension Provision

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303 results, from 1
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Working Longer: The Effects of a Higher Retirement Age on Work-Related Health Investments During the Working Life

    Health investments are vital for maintaining physical and mental well-being throughout working life, and their importance is amplified with rising retirement ages due to demographic aging. This is the first study to examine if a longer working life causally increases institutionalized health investments. We explore the impact of a German pension reform that raised the retirement age by three years...

    12.02.2025| Mia Teschner
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Occupations, Disability Insurance, and Career Choices

    Work-limiting disabilities pose a significant risk to the earnings potential and welfare of older workers. While coverage of public disability insurance (DI) systems is almost universal, the risk of becoming dependent on DI varies across occupations. In this paper, I study the value of public DI across different occupations using data from administrative social security records in Germany. I...

    29.01.2025| Annica Gehlen
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Policy Uncertainty, Misinformation and Statutory Retirement Age Reform

    Aging societies put a strain on social security systems worldwide. Raising the statutory retirement age (SRA) is one of the most common tools that policymakers employ to respond to this pressure. We study the effect of policy reform on savings, labor supply, and welfare. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), we estimate a structural life-cycle model. The model features subjective...

    15.01.2025| Bruno Veltri (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Maximilian Blesch
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Financial Incentives and Labor Force Participation of Older Workers: Evidence from France

    This paper estimates the impact of financial incentives on retirement decision in France for cohorts of men retiring between 1994 to 2012. During these two decades, a number of pension reforms took place, all aiming to achieve financial balance in the context of increasing life expectancy. These reforms strengthened incentives to retire later, either by ofoffering increased pension benefit for later ...

    In: Axel Börsch-Supan, Courtney Coile (Eds) , Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World : The Effects of Reforms on Retirement Behavior
    Chicago : University of Chicago Press
    im Ersch.
    International Social Security
    | Antoine Bozio, Simon Rabaté, Maxime Tô, Julie Tréguier
  • Research Project

    A new occupational disability insurance in the statutory pension insurance scheme

    A large group of people is unable to keep up with the increasing retirement age and remain in the workforce until retirement for health reasons. The disability pension that exists today is only suitable to a limited extent to protect this group. The decisive factor for the reduced earning capacity is not the last activity performed, but all activities "under the usual conditions of the general...

    Current Project| Public Economics
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Career Decisions over the Life-cycle: The Impact of Social Insurance Policies

    Work-limiting disabilities pose a significant risk to the earnings potential and welfare of older workers. While coverage of public disability insurance (DI) systems is almost universal, the risk of becoming dependent on DI varies across occupations. In this paper, I study the value of public DI across different occupations using data from administrative social security records in Germany. I...

    15.05.2024| Annica Gehlen
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Labour Supply and Survivor Insurance in the Netherlands

    This paper investigates the effects of survivor benefits (SB) on the labour supply of widows. Using richadministrative data on the Dutch population and a reform that considerably restricted eligibility to SB, weidentify the causal effect of SB on labour supply. Using a regression discontinuity design strategy based onthe cohort-based implementation of the reform, we show that labour income after spousal ...

    In: Labour Economics 88 (2024), 102527, 14 S. | Simon Rabaté, Julie Tréguier
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Long-Run Consequences of Informal Elderly Care and Implications of Public Long-Term Care Insurance

    We estimate a dynamic structural model of labor supply, retirement, and informal caregiving to study short and long-term costs of informal caregiving in Germany. Incorporating labor market frictions and the German tax and benefit system, we find that in the absence of Germany’s public long-term insurance scheme, informal elderly care has adverse and persistent effects on labor market outcomes and, ...

    In: Journal of Health Economics 96 (2024), 102884, 21 S. | Thorben Korfhage, Björn Fischer-Weckemann
  • Diskussionspapiere 2105 / 2024

    Wealth and its Distribution in Germany, 1895-2021

    German history over the past 125 years has been turbulent. Marked by two world wars, revolutions and major regime changes, as well as a hyperinflation and three currency reforms, expropriations and territorial divisions, it comprises extreme shocks to study the role of historical events, taxation, asset price changes, portfolio heterogeneity in affecting the wealth distribution in the long run. Combining ...

    2024| Thilo N. H. Albers, Charlotte Bartels, Moritz Schularick
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Social Security and Retirement around the World: Lessons from a Long-Term Collaboration

    Declining labor force participation of older men throughout the 20th century and recent increases in participation have generated substantial interest in understanding the effect of public pensions on retirement. The National Bureau of Economic Research's International Social Security (ISS) Project, a long-term collaboration among researchers in a dozen developed countries, has explored this and related ...

    In: Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 24 (2024), S. 8-30 | Courtney Coile, David Wise, Axel Börsch-Supan, Jonathan Gruber, Kevin Milligan, Richard Woodbury, Michael Baker, James Banks, Luc Behaghel, Melika Ben Salem, Paul Bingley, Didier Blanchet, Richard Blundell, Michele Boldrín, Antoine Bozio, Agar Brugiavini, Tabea Bucher-Koenen, Raluca Elena Buia, Eve Caroli, Thierry Debrand, Arnaud Dellis, Raphaël Desmet, Klaas de Vos, Peter Diamond, Carl Emmerson, Irene Ferrari, Anne-Lore Fraikin, Mayu Fujii, Pilar García-Gómez, Sílvia Garcia-Mandicó, Nicolas Goll, Nabanita Datta Gupta, Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Per Johansson, Paul Johnson, Michael Jørgensen, Alain Jousten, Hendrik Jürges, Malene Kallestrup-Lamb, Adriaan Kalwij, Arie Kapteyn, Simone Kohnz, Lisa Laun, Mathieu Lefebvre, Ronan Mahieu, Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Costas Meghir, Akiko Oishi, Takashi Oshio, Mårten Palme, Giacomo Pasini, Peder Pedersen, Louis-Paul Pelé, Franco Peracchi, Sergio Perelman, Pierre Pestieau, Corinne Prost, Simon Rabaté, Johannes Rausch, Muriel Roger, Tammy Schirle, Reinhold Schnabel, Morten Schuth, Satoshi Shimizutani, Sarah Smith, Jean-Philippe Stijns, David Sturrock, Ingemar Svensson, Gemma Tetlow, Lars Thiel, Maxime Tô, Julie Tréguier, Emiko Usuii, Judit Vall-Castelló, Emmanuelle Walraet, Guglielmo Weber, Naohiro Yashiro
303 results, from 1