Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen
Using a reform induced increase in the ERA for German women this paper uncovers causal effects of retirement on informal care provision. Studies so far focus on the causality of labor supply on informal care activity in the middle part of an individual’s working career, mostly neglecting effects of retirement. This paper uses the 1999 reform that abolished the ERA at age 60 for women...
20.02.2019| Björn Fischer
Research Project
In this project, we analyze and illustrate the link between pension levels and poverty risk in old age in two steps. First, using stylized calculations, we show how changing pension levels affect the distance between retirement benefits and basic means-tested social benefits (Grundsicherung im Alter). Second, we analyze the impact of changing pension levels on old-age poverty risk and...
Completed Project| Public Economics
Refereed essays Web of Science
In recent years policy-makers are incentivizing later retirement entry by enabling flexible transitions into retirement through partial retirement. However, empirical evidence shows that the labor supply and related fiscal effects of more flexibility in the pension system, through partial retirement, are ambiguous and strongly depend on the design of partial retirement regimes. Two margins are in particular ...
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing
14 (2019), 100187, 15 S.
| Peter Haan, Songül Tolan
Externe Monographien
Facing a reduction in pension generosity, individuals can compensate the loss by working longer or saving more. This paper shows that the impact of changes in pension generosity on saving crucially depends on the possibility of prolonging future employment. Exploiting across cohort variation in expected pension wealth induced by a 3-year lift in early retirement age for women born after 1951 in Germany, ...
40 S. : Anh.
(Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 12744)
| Stefan Etgeton, Björn Fischer, Han Ye
DIW Weekly Report 46/47/48 / 2019
The tax and fiscal reforms headed by German finance minister Matthias Erzberger in 1919 and 1920 fundamentally reshaped German public finances. The total tax revenue as a percentage of GDP, or tax-to-GDP ratio, doubled and increased continually until the end of World War II. Since the 1950s, the tax-to-GDP ratio has remained between 22 and 24 percent of GDP most of the time. West Germany’s economic ...
2019| Stefan Bach
Diskussionspapiere 1827 / 2019
This paper shows that labor demand plays an important role in the labor market reactions of older women affected by pension deductions for early retirement. Based on a large representative sample of the German workforce (SIAB), we calculate the consequences of individual financial incentive changes caused by a pension reform in Germany on employment, unemployment, and partial retirement. The reform ...
2019| Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan, Svenja Lorenz, Mona Pfister, Thomas Zwick
Refereed essays Web of Science
Based on a dynamic life cycle model, this study analyzes health-related risks of consumption and old-age poverty. The model allows for health effects on employment risks, on productivity, on longevity, the correlation between health risks, productivity and preferences, and the financial incentives of the German public insurance schemes. The estimation uses data on male employees and an extended expectation-maximization ...
Journal of Health Economics
65 (2019), S. 227-245
| Daniel Kemptner
Diskussionspapiere 1809 / 2019
This paper analyzes the impact of a reduction in women's labor supply through retirement on their informal care provision. Using SOEP data from the years 2001- 2016 the analysis addresses fundamental endogeneity problems by applying a fuzzy regression discontinuity design. We exploit early retirement thresholds for women in the German pension system as instruments for their retirement decision. We ...
2019| Björn Fischer, Kai-Uwe Müller
DIW Weekly Report 25 / 2019
In many European countries, there is a substantial gender pension gap. Yet, these gaps vary strongly across countries. This cross-national study examines to what extent institutional and labor market-specific factors correlate with gender pension gaps. The findings show that the gender pension gap tends to be larger in countries with larger gender-specific differences in the employment or part-time ...
2019| Anna Hammerschmid, Carla Rowold
Joint workshop with FU Berlin, Hebrew University and CRC 190
The aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars from Israel and Germany who pursue research projects on the interrelations between pension systems, demography, and capital markets.