DIW Applied Micro Seminar
09.11.2018| Marta De Philippis, Bank of Italy
Research Project
The aim of the research project was to non-take-up of social assistance for the elderly. The analysis is based on the Socio-economic Panel (SOEP). Using a microsimulation model (STSM) developed at DIW Berlin, it was determined on the basis of survey data from the previous year (including income and property information, household context, living situation, health situation, household equipment)...
Current Project| Public Economics
DIW Applied Micro Seminar
15.06.2018| Ludovico Carrino, King’s College London and University of Venice Ca’ Foscari
Research Project
In the project, calculations are to be carried out on the return on different forms of old-age provision for three types of individuals: low earners, average earners and high earners. A distinction is made between calculations for the statutory pension insurance (GRV) and for company pensions (BAV). The main aim is to show how different legal regulations in the GRV and BAV that will be effective...
Completed Project| Public Economics
Press Release
In important areas such as tax policy, education, and energy, the future grand coalition must be considerably more ambitious – The need for reform in Germany is not being addressed sufficiently
Germany’s next government will most likely once again be a grand coalition. However, the results of the preliminary coalition talks between the Union parties and the SPD, which serve as a basis ...
Refereed essays Web of Science
Many OECD countries are raising the normal retirement age (NRA), thereby, making early retirement more costly. Whereas such reforms incentivize individuals to work longer, labor market frictions might partly undermine intended behavioral responses. Employing administrative data of West German men, I estimate a dynamic discrete choice model of work, unemployment and retirement allowing for labor market ...
Labour Economics
53 (2018), S. 146-161
| Stefan Etgeton
Refereed essays Web of Science
In aging societies, information on how to reform pension systems is essential to policy makers. This study scrutinizes effects of early retirement disincentives on retirement behavior, individual welfare, pensions and public budget. We employ administrative pension data and a detailed model of the German tax and social security system to estimate a structural dynamic retirement model. We find that ...
Labour Economics
51 (2018), S. 25-37
| Timm Bönke, Daniel Kemptner, Holger Lüthen
Externe Monographien
We evaluate the labor market and distributional effects of an increase in the early retirement age (ERA) from 60 to 63 for women. We use a regression discontinuity design which exploits the immediate increase in the ERA between women born in 1951 and 1952. The analysis is based on the German micro census which includes about 370,000 households per year. We focus on heterogeneous labor market effects ...
31 S.
(Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 11618)
| Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan, Anna Hammerschmid, Michael Peters
Diskussionspapiere 1741 / 2018
We evaluate the labor market and distributional effects of an increase in the early retirement age (ERA) from 60 to 63 for women. We use a regression discontinuity design which exploits the immediate increase in the ERA between women born in 1951 and 1952. The analysis is based on the German micro census which includes about 370,000 households per year. We focus on heterogeneous labor market effects ...
2018| Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan, Anna Hammerschmid, Michael Peters
Press Release
Two DIW studies on the partial retirement scheme and raising the normal retirement age: simulations show positive employment effects and fiscal implications
A normal retirement age that increases relative to the rise in life expectancy after 2030 could help keep the funding of the statutory pension insurance scheme stable without the pension level decreasing further. Depending on the scenario, a ...