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Topic Monetary Policy

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546 results, from 21
  • SOEP Brown Bag Seminar

    Better Early than Never – The Effects of Anticipated Gift Tax Changes on Business Transfers

    Wealth transfer taxes are important instruments to counter increasing wealth inequality. Yet, inter-generational business transfers, whose distribution is particularly concentrated at the top, are inherently difficult to tax. This is due to preferential tax treatments in many countries and sophisticated tax avoidance strategies by business owners. We analyze how business transfers react to...

    29.11.2023| Richard Winter, University of Mannheim
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Stock market participation, remote work, and inequality

    Stock market participation jumped upwards in Germany in the year 2020 by about 25%. A major cause for this was the enforced use of remote work. We show this by repeating a benchmark study with demanding data requests and adding remote work to the explanatory variables. Moreover, we implement an instrumental variables estimation based on commuting distance and work-from- home capacity. The...

    19.07.2023| Lorenz Meister
  • Event

    Managing Public Debt and Economic Challenges

    Join us for an insightful presentation on the global impact of COVID-19 on public debt and the challenges it poses for policymakers. This lecture explore the effectiveness of different approaches to reducing debt-to-GDP ratios, considering econometric analyses and historical experiences. Followed by a discussion. Key findings include: Fiscal consolidations: Timely and well-designed fiscal...

    14.06.2023| Asonuma Tamon, Josefin Meyer
  • Workshop

    “Next steps for HANK” Workshop

    22.05.2023| Florin Bilbiie, Maximilian Weiß, Federica Romei, Xavier Ragot, Leanne Nam, Alisdair McKay, Hannah Magdalena Seidl, Fabian Seyrich
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Subjective Belief Formation and Stock Market Participation in Germany.

    This paper investigates the unique ways in which individuals assimilate new information into their beliefs about stock returns and examines the consequences of heterogeneous information processing on savings and investment decisions. Utilizing two exogenous information treatments from 2017 and 2018 surveys of German households, I discover that individuals' short-term return expectations shift by...

    10.05.2023| Sebastian Becker
  • Infographic

    Energy prices fall when key interest rates increase

  • Infographic

    US companies with difficulties fulfilling the local content requirements

  • Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 3 / 2023

    Will the Digital Euro Be Attractive Enough to Generate Significant Demand?

    Der Rückgang der Verwendung von Bargeld und das Aufkommen innovativer digitaler Zahlungssysteme haben die EZB wie viele andere Zentralbanken dazu veranlasst, die Einführung ihrer Währung in digitaler Form zu erwägen. Die technischen Probleme bei der Einführung eines digitalen Euro scheinen nicht unüberwindbar zu sein. Ein Thema, das jedoch weniger Beachtung gefunden hat, ist die Nachfrage nach einem ...

    2023| Michael Frenkel
  • Diskussionspapiere 2056 / 2023

    Hicks in HANK: Fiscal Responses to an Energy Shock

    The distributional and disruptive effects of energy supply shocks are potentially large. We study the effectiveness of alternative fiscal responses in a two-country HANK model that we calibrate to the euro area. Energy subsidies can stabilize the domestic economy, but are fiscally costly and generate adverse spillovers to the rest of the monetary union: What the subsidizing country gains, the other ...

    2023| Christian Bayer, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Gernot J. Müller, Fabian Seyrich
  • Externe Monographien

    From Policy to Practice: Applying Empirical Analysis and Historic Contexts to Understand Fiscal and Monetary Policy, and their Interaction

    This dissertation collects empirical work in the field of fiscal and monetary policy, and their interaction. It comprises four chapters. In Chapter 1, I investigate the dynamic effects of tax changes on the cross-sectional distribution of disposable income in the US using a narrative identification approach. I distinguish between changes in personal and corporate income taxes and quantify the distributional ...

    Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2023, 206 S. | Stephanie Ettmeier
546 results, from 21