Zwischen Juli und Dezember erhöhte die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) ihren Leitzins äußerst kräftig um 250 Basispunkte. Dieser Zinsschock stellte für die deutschen Genossenschaftsbanken wie auch für viele andere Kreditinstitute eine große Herausforderung dar. Infolgedessen mussten die Genossenschaftsbanken deutliche Ertragseinbußen hinnehmen. Diese äußerten sich überwiegend in einem hohen Bewertungsaufwand ...
This dissertation collects empirical work in the field of fiscal and monetary policy, and their interaction. It comprises four chapters. In Chapter 1, I investigate the dynamic effects of tax changes on the cross-sectional distribution of disposable income in the US using a narrative identification approach. I distinguish between changes in personal and corporate income taxes and quantify the distributional ...
We study the multifaceted effects of trade policy shocks on financial markets using a structural vector autoregression identified via event day heteroskedasticity. We find that restrictive US trade policy shocks affect US and international stock prices heterogeneously, but generally negatively. They increase market uncertainty, lower US interest rates, and lead to an appreciation of the US dollar. ...
Achieving a balanced monetary-fiscal policy mix in the euro area is crucial to ensure that monetary policy is able to fulfil its primary price stability objective. This paper outlines, from an economic and legal perspective, the interaction between monetary and fiscal policy in light of the current monetary and fiscal stance and, in particular, the “quasi-fiscal” effects of some unconventional monetary ...
We construct a novel database of monthly foreign exchange interventions for 49 countries over up to 22 years. We build on a text classification approach that extracts information about interventions from news articles and calibrate our procedure to data about actual interventions. This new dataset allows us to document stylized facts about the use of foreign exchange interventions for countries that ...
Marcel Fratzscher, President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), comments on the results of today’s meeting of the European Central Bank (ECB):